Adrenaline Junkie - ITV

2 May 2007
Anyone else watching this and just seen the lad called "Anthony"?

I couldn't stop giggling when he said that he had been bullied and when he described what had happened said "I've had acid thrown at me and my head put through the ceiling" ....

lol wtf :/

P.S. I know I shouldn't laugh.
ChemicalKicks said:
Posting all day here, can't free up any time to watch TV, seriously though Im starting to get worried.
If there were more topics I would post more... Boredom at work... Numbs the senses... Now i'm at home and chilling with msn and forums lol
Skyfall said:
If there were more topics I would post more... Boredom at work... Numbs the senses... Now i'm at home and chilling with msn and forums lol

I know, you always find a couple of threads that you'll hammer and others you wont even read half way through the first post.

Personally gettng pretty bored with TV over the last few months, funny as thats when I joined the forum :D
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