Advice on starting a business

11 Feb 2004
Surrey, UK
I've just started venturing into the realms of working for myself. I'm currently employed (and will remain so for a long time while business (hopefully) picks up).

I just want to do it all by the book. I've got 3 web projects in the pipeline.

I'd appreciate some guidance or links re getting started. From registering a company name to tax, VAT, NI etc. Sounds like a nightmare but I really want to give it a go.

Edit - I have scanned in the Internet. Some real life experiences in starting a business would be appreciated!
Not really. I work for a large multinational and part of my role is delivering SQL BI/MI, this bit I like, my ever increasing 'support role' I'm not so keen on. Constantly changing expectations and job role are the main driver.

I have plenty of web design/dev experience (inc. Sharepoint dev and config).
local businesslink is probably the best advise you can get at this stage as well as the information on their site.

my advice to starting a business, get out the door, do some work, accept that the first few times you'll make mistakes but learn from them and move on. always keep a notepad in your pocket as you'll come across hundreds of new issues/ideas every week, too many to remember them all so it'll help keep you organised.
Is it just going to be you in business of will there be others involved?
Do you require the limited liability that a company affords?
Do you have another good reason for using a company?
How much turnover will you be making in your first year, and in your first month?
Just me (certainly to begin with, keeping things simple). Not sure on limited liability (what I stand to lose right?). One of the many reasons why I need some help and advice.
Turnover will be a measly £800-£1000 per month for the first 3-4 months based on the pipeline.

All depends how well I market myself and whether or not I add my BI dev skills to the web stuff going forward.
Just me (certainly to begin with, keeping things simple). Not sure on limited liability (what I stand to lose right?). One of the many reasons why I need some help and advice.
Turnover will be a measly £800-£1000 per month for the first 3-4 months based on the pipeline.

All depends how well I market myself and whether or not I add my BI dev skills to the web stuff going forward.

In your situation there's not much point setting up a limited liability company, not until you're earning around £30k anyway. Contact HMRC for details of registration for self assessment and NIC Class 2 and 4 contributions.

Business link and other websites should help you setup as a sole trader.
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