Advice regarding an online purchase (awning)

17 Jul 2005
Hi all,

My parants recently purchased an awning from an online e-tailor, came to £200 ... was discounted down from £300. The reason for the discount (incidentally this discount was on the complete stock of this particular awning - they had quite a few) was because there was the possibility of slight holes in certain parts of the material. Due to this they said it wouldn't be possible to return/refund the awning SHOULD you encounter any of these holes. They sent out a repair kit should you get any so you can fix.

All fine, awning arrived. Didn't actually have any of these afore mentioned problems. So they were happy with it.

However, upon the first use (awning went up fine, they had a few problems as the material (in there opinion) isn't really suitable for an awning. Went up fine.

Upon re-packing though one of the tent poles pierced the material! My dad acknowledged this as his own fault and of course can't really blame it on the company so didn't expect anything. Bit annoyed because he's put loads up in the past, and it seems as though this material is crap. Packed it back up in to its bag.

Fast forward to a couple of days ago... they were intending on using it again, and usually check it before going. Took it out of the carry case and it seems as though one of the seams has torn! So another fault as developed.

Are they within their rights (as an online purchase) to demand a refund, even though it was sold as non refundable due to the possibility of it having slight holes in the material? Seeing as it's a different fault entirely.... ?

Yeah that was what I was thinking. They never answer phones, but we've had replies to emails, etc...

Was just wondering if there was any law that basically covered us because yeh, it was sold as non refundable due to possible holes, but this is a completly unrelated fault...

they've offered a direct exchange, but we're completly unimpressed with the material and think it not suitable for its purpose so really would like cash back...
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