Age no barrier to a healthy sex life!

Well, it could be. However it could also help brighten up people's lives, knowing getting old doesn't mean everything goes, er, down hill.
Whilst it is good that oldies have sex (because I still want to have sex when I am older!) I nearly chocked on this quote:

BBC said:
Half of the people surveyed up to age 75 said they had oral sex.

Eewww. Still good to know the wife won't have an excuse not to polish the brass as it were... :eek: :D

(Sorry Scuzi I didn't see this thread, I blame the lack of search! :p )
A lot more to hold onto then and a lot of NO TEETH.

I suppose that could add an extra experience :D

Adds a whole new meaning to the words sloppy joes :D
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Half of the people surveyed up to age 75 said they had oral sex.

:eek: :(

About half of the men and a quarter of the women said they masturbated, regardless of whether they had a sexual partner.

This is very very believeable if you have gone into a sex shop.

The last few times Ive been to one its been like a senior Citizens club :p

/old memorys of the old men poking the rubber girl bits with there finger. *****shudders****
Yeah, the image is horrible, but ******* hell, man. It'll be the same for all of us, so I'm happy to know that sexual appitite wont diminish too much in my twilight years.
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