Air purifiers



23 Aug 2003
I have had a sinus problem for the last year, essentially unless I stuff decongestant up my nose every 5 hours I totally block up. This is fine during the day but at night the situation gets worse and I wake up every couple of hours because I am unable to breathe (which means I am practically a walking zombie all day).

I have been to see a specialist who says its a dust/pollution allergy, I am on my third type of steriod spray (apparently this works for only 65% of cases), and he is talking about a couple of different surgeries to try and reduce the issue further (although he said that if you do everything the success rate is around 85%.

To improve my problem in the short term I was thinking about something to purify the air and remove the dust and other allergens. Can anyone reccommend a silent device to do this? I understand that there are various thoughts on the effectiveness of ionisers so would appreciate some feedback.
My other half suffers from asthma as well as blocked up nose and sneezing all the time etc. This was always especially bad at night. I decided to buy an air purifier for our bedroom during the summer this year. We have it on for an hour before bed and switch it off when we go to bed. Although it can also run in a very quiet mode as well.

Anyway since having the purifier she has not needed her inhaler once and the sneezing / blocked up nose has stopped. I was really suprised, but I guess it is working.

We have this device

You have my sympathy - I suddenly developed a similar kind of allergy a few years ago, although it is to quite specific dust/pollen allergens and would come and go but after a while it can get you down.

The Dr wanted to give me medicine too but I really didn't want to mess up my body chemistry on a daily basis, so looked into different kinds of air filters etc. Eventually I bought an AirFree air steriliser P80. from This is not a filtering system, instead it is like a miniture oven which sucks the allergens and dust inside it and then burns them off, completely getting rid of them. It has a low level blue light, is completely silent, uses the energy of a light bulb and gives off a small amount of heat. It took about a week or so for it to take full effect but is great in the bedroom allowing me to have easy breathing at night. It's not cheap (I think was around £160 2 years ago) but the best thing though is that there are no filters to clean or replace! Might be worth a try.
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