All dash lights out + jerky drive

1 Sep 2005

Had a problem on the way home tonight. The lights on the entire dash and centre console (bar the radio) went off for a few seconds then returned. The car also felt really jerky in 1st, 2nd all the way home.

I am tempted to say battery but unsure. I have never replaced the battery yet in my vehicle (53 plate) Vauxhall Astra 1.6

Any ideas?

if the lights are going off and on whilst driving, that won't be your battery, as you can have a totally dead battery whilst driving and the car will drive/work, the alternator will provide the electricity.

a car jerking doesn't help to diagnose an issue, could be anything, car could be starving of air/ fuel.

to be honest, you best go to a garage
I once had a problem with my Corsa where the battery was shorting and cutting out the car. All the lights went out and would struggle then return to normal after a second or so.

Just check the wiring.
Check the battery clamps - if the negative/earth is loose, then the clamp could move about as the engine moves, giving these symptoms :)
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