Almax Immobiliser Series IV + Squire SS65CS - How Heavy & Worth it?

2 May 2004

I'm thinking of getting the "Almax Immobiliser Series IV Uber + Squire SS65CS Lock" to replace my old D-lock that could probably be cut with a spoon.

Are they worth the cost (£150)? It'll be a lifelong (hopefully) thing that will protect all my future bikes, so want something really decent.

How heavy are they? I'll get a pillion seat lock bag for it so I don't have to put it in the backpack, but don't want something on there that's going to add a load of weight to the bike.

I'm open to suggestions if there's anything better (or cheaper and just as good) out there :)

get a series 3

the ubers will be too heavy,i have a 3 series and they weigh a fair bit but not too bad
What wazza said!
Even the Immobiliser Series III are super heavy! No way would you carry a series IV uber with you :)
If you park at the same location everyday u could just leave it there ... ...but no don't even think about lugging a uber chain!!.... would be too dangerous with a seat bag the weight would move the bag and maybe even snap it ....even with a series III i wouldn't'd have to have a strong and decent bag well strapped.
I have the series III almax aswell wazza 1.5m excellent chains.
Maybe XENA disc lock alarm with a smaller chain would be better? ...I highy recommend the XENA disc alarms if your bike doesn't have an alarm, XX6 model i think i have.
I carry a 1m Seies IV and the same Squire lock.
It is very heavy and doesn't fold up very well. Unless you are going to ride with it in a backbox I'd suggest a Series III.

Are they worth the cost? I certainly think so.
Thanks guys, sounds like it wouldn't be great in a pillion seat lock bag or even a tail pack and I definitely wouldn't want it in my backpack by the sounds of it!!

Think I'll go for the series 3, got to sacrifice a little security if I want to carry it around I guess.

In fact I might just wait until I start my new job, if I can leave it at work then I might go for the series IV as the bike goes in the garage at home
Be careful about leaving a lock where you park it. Thieves damage the lock or remove the chain and then wait for the bike the next day knowing it will be unsecured.
Be careful about leaving a lock where you park it. Thieves damage the lock or remove the chain and then wait for the bike the next day knowing it will be unsecured.

Good point, thanks - will do. Hopefully I can put it somewhere inside rather than leaving it to weather and potentially be tampered with.
Be careful about leaving a lock where you park it. Thieves damage the lock or remove the chain and then wait for the bike the next day knowing it will be unsecured.

Good thinking batman didnt think of that one ;) brilliant thinking mate! the scum bags aint they! Where I live was just voted on visordown as one of the worse places to live forbikes being nicked. Resson I have an Almax! I even know a few of them
and you wazza carrying an almax in a back pack lol you must be hard as nails :)
wanted to point out as well it wouldn't be good to have an off with that strapped to your back careful mate
Sorry to bring this thread back from the dead but better than starting a new one.
What length chain do people usually use? I'm about to order one but not sure whether to go 0.7m or 1.5m.
It'll primarily be used for travelling around and leaving my bike in London as it's in the garage when at home. I'm guessing 0.7m is too short to wrap it through the frame and round a lamp post?
I suspect 0.7m will be too short to chain a bike to typical street furniture unless you can get the bike extremely close. I would go for the longer one personally, even though it's heavier and more expensive.
I have the 1m one. Do they not do that any more?
1m is just about long enough, I'd prefer 1.2m to give a bit more flexibility when chaining it to things I can't get the back wheel right up to.
Thanks for the input guys. I'll go for the 1.5m, I believe they only do the 1m chain in a series IV and I'm going to go with a series III.

Thanks again.
Bringing it back from the dead, anyone know the link dimensions, specifically the width of the chain, need to know if the series 4 will go through my wheel.
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