Almax Immobiliser Series IV + Squire SS65CS - How Heavy & Worth it?

2 May 2004

I'm thinking of getting the "Almax Immobiliser Series IV Uber + Squire SS65CS Lock" to replace my old D-lock that could probably be cut with a spoon.

Are they worth the cost (£150)? It'll be a lifelong (hopefully) thing that will protect all my future bikes, so want something really decent.

How heavy are they? I'll get a pillion seat lock bag for it so I don't have to put it in the backpack, but don't want something on there that's going to add a load of weight to the bike.

I'm open to suggestions if there's anything better (or cheaper and just as good) out there :)

Thanks guys, sounds like it wouldn't be great in a pillion seat lock bag or even a tail pack and I definitely wouldn't want it in my backpack by the sounds of it!!

Think I'll go for the series 3, got to sacrifice a little security if I want to carry it around I guess.

In fact I might just wait until I start my new job, if I can leave it at work then I might go for the series IV as the bike goes in the garage at home
Be careful about leaving a lock where you park it. Thieves damage the lock or remove the chain and then wait for the bike the next day knowing it will be unsecured.

Good point, thanks - will do. Hopefully I can put it somewhere inside rather than leaving it to weather and potentially be tampered with.
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