Am getting pixilation occasionally, how is this possible when the cable is supposed to be free from interference.
On top of that my V+ HD box has nearly gone out the window on 2 occasions. Once you get past the even worse than Tivo interface it's just downright shoddy. Occasionally it starts humming quite loud, not particularly suitable for the bedroom. I recorded Vikings the other day, the program just hung at 28 minutes, I couldn't manually go to a point further in time then all programs stopped displaying. Tried to restart the box and it never came back up so I just unplugged it till the morning. Last night pixilation on my UFC recording made it unwatchable, wondered if it was all the FF I was doing to skip adverts etc so tried to reboot the box. Didn't come back up, rebooted it again, still didn't come back up so just left it unplugged. Am going to be ringing up and ranting at their customer service tonight.
I'm so used to Sky just working and being slick that this is quite a transition, poor equipment is just not helping with that. Just gotta keep thinking of the saving!