Amateur Rocketry

24 Nov 2006
Anyone do this?

I have to ring the model rocket shop to sort out the courier to NI but my order's all ready to go! Can't wait :) And because I live in the country there's plenty of places that I can launch from and recover them easier.

Ideally I'd love to make a hybrid rocket in the future but for now I'm just using small B and C motors as I haven't done it before. Will post a video probably in a month or so when I get a chance to launch on a good day.

Would love to hear stories and get advice from people who have tried/do this.
Had a couple as a kid. the fun part is making them. You want to make a several stage rocket. after a couple of goes it's pretty boring watching it go up and down.
Get a camera, get a altitude recorder and start making some of your own.
Get one of those keyring vid cameras as well so you can watch your launches from the business end.
I bought a rocket kit as an impulse buy when I was 16. Flew it a few times successfully, was good fun. It was rated up to class C engines but on the final flight I thought I would try putting an F in. My neighbour kept handing it small bits of wreckage on a daily basis after walking his dog :D
I used to be a member of the british pyrotechnic society, an offshoot of the forums on UKrocketry. Never really got into it as much as I wanted to, but was amazed how many places sold large quantities of chemicals mail order with no verification.
Mind you, that was in the 90,s and I daresay that is no longer the case!
I used to be a member of the british pyrotechnic society, an offshoot of the forums on UKrocketry. Never really got into it as much as I wanted to, but was amazed how many places sold large quantities of chemicals mail order with no verification.
Mind you, that was in the 90,s and I daresay that is no longer the case!

i can confirm it definitely isn't. :p
I used to build the estes ones, and as AcidHell2 points out, it get's very boring very quickly, and there is only so much you can do unregistered in terms of engine sizes.
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