Amazing New Colin McRae: Dirt Trailer

thaught they were dropping the colin mcrae part from the name?
anyway to me it seems to switch to ingame footage at about 32 seconds, just seems different graphically to the first bit.
ill be buying it whatever it looks like :cool:
I doubt any of that is in game footage, reminds me of sony showing motorstorm of with its target visuals thing and never actually got near it in the finished game.
Jabbs said:
I doubt any of that is in game footage, reminds me of sony showing motorstorm of with its target visuals thing and never actually got near it in the finished game.

Well we shall see. I have no doubt that it could look that good on the PC (just look at Crysis for an example) but i am not so sure about the 360 and PS3 versions, it is probably fully possible though.
Jabbs said:
I doubt any of that is in game footage, reminds me of sony showing motorstorm of with its target visuals thing and never actually got near it in the finished game.

You've played motorstorm on hdtv ?

That trailer looked like a mix of ingame and intro, looks like it could rival motorstorm on the 360?
OMG, that video ruled. I so cannot wait for this game. Whens it out? I heard may, but always thought it was October. Where has sega rally got to?
begbo said:
OMG, that video ruled. I so cannot wait for this game. Whens it out? I heard may, but always thought it was October. Where has sega rally got to?

Same day as GTA4 Due for release on 26/10/2007 for the PS3 and Xbox360
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