I think they will be trading blows out of the box 580 gtx and 6970.
Overclocked though? 580 gtx will whoop it.
Scaling on Fermi is very very good. Shows good architecture at heart.
The battle ground will be the new 2011 3DMARK and I got a sneaky feeling that AMD might just hold a little lead there. Judging from some rumors around the net.
We will see.
I do have an issue with that, scaling via overclocking shows nothing more than its basically underclocked at stock due to power/thermal issues. Have a 600W high quality PSU and a decent case vs an incredibly tight PSU power budget in a tiny silent Dell box and heat/noise isn't much of an issue.
They overclock well because, frankly, a 40nm chip has no problems doing 1Ghz core clocks, (smaller double pumped transistors like the shader clocks on the Fermi aren't doing quite as well).
Its like putting out a, I dunno, 725Mhz 5850 and calling it a better overclocker than a 850Mhz 5870, its not, its just underclocked.
Either way, its not really official confirmation since again, I've NEVER seen any company release a press release with an NDA date in it.
First rule of NDA dates, is don't talk about NDA dates.
Its the same news thats been reposted(like all news these days) from the original source, so its dodgey at best. Theres been no official release date out of AMD mouths, EVER, at any stage. I don't think Charlie has said anything beyond late Nov or Dec, the only person that put a date on it, started to put a date on it, AFAIK, was Fud, who then later on gets to say they are late.
With no official launch date(the clearest I've seen in AMD quarterly meetings is Q4), its hard to be officially delayed.