American Pie 5 anyone?

Next to no storyline.
Soft porn really - so likely best appeal to it's target audience :)
and if you like midget wrestling you'll love the football game ( ok, I admit, I did !! )
The ensuing events after they take the Viagra is only mildly funny and goes on too long (imho)
Overall better than the last one but not up to the earliest.
Is it American Pie 5? I thought it was 1-3 then an awful cash-in franchise, this looks like another.
MetA said:
Next to no storyline.
Soft porn really - so likely best appeal to it's target audience :)
and if you like midget wrestling you'll love the football game ( ok, I admit, I did !! )
The ensuing events after they take the Viagra is only mildly funny and goes on too long (imho)
Overall better than the last one but not up to the earliest.

Sounds perfect. I might get it.

I love bad films like this.
Saw it last night and I really enjoyed it. It's seriously low-brow, but it's a great laugh. I'd definitely recommend it on rental (not worth £15 I saw it at today).
I'd say this film was good. To me its not 'American Pie' as none of the original characters are there. If you watch this with the mind set that you want an American pie film you will probobly be disappointed. But if you watch it like you were watching a normal Teen Comedy I think you will get a few smiles from it. There are some really funny bits in there but some bits are pretty crappy. I think this is 10X better than Band Camp which I thought was utter crud.

What they really need to make is an American pie film with all the original cast from the first film as the characters is what makes American Pie so good.
Doesn't have AP feel at all. It was okay, made me chuckle at a couple of scenes but no where near the AP (first 3) Trilogy I have :cool:

MG42Maniac said:
What they really need to make is an American pie film with all the original cast from the first film as the characters is what makes American Pie so good.
Definitely! :cool:
Welshy said:
oh god, have they still not finished milking the American Pie thing?

that looks so poor, just some t*ts. the first 3 were funny BECAUSE OF THE CHARACTERS these new characters are S***,

why can't movie producers come up with new ideas. god i hate them - they just keep doing stuff over and over until it is ruined.
This has gone the way of Police Academy. Once you lose the main characters then it's got to go downhill.

The first was class,

The second mildly amusing but just a rehash of the first and Stifler saved the third one.
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