I had a ocz 600W silentX and bought 2 of the msi 5850's.
I ran into a few problems, I didn't have enough pcie connectors or even enough free molex connectors to user adapters for both cards.
System stability was questionable on anything above stock.
I swapped my 600W out for an 800W corsair and now every things dandy.
Anyone any ideas how well the 5850 oc's in general?
Not a great deal to be honest, from what I'v read about them it's pure luck, 100 mhz on clock and 200 on memory is pretty much guaranteed though.
would this 5850 be better than 2 gtx260 in sli ?
I know the cards are not out yet but does anyone know what kind of temps and noise levels the 5850 will have?
Doesn't appear to reviews on these particular cards.
What is the length of those 2 cards?