Another ebay query, shill bidding ...

18 Oct 2002
"Sunny" Plymouth
Right, wifey has just won some lexarse light for her astra (don't ask :(), and she had a nose at the bid history of one of the other bidders. Blatent shill bidding, only bidding on one other persons auctions, etc.

Once we've reported it, do ebay cancel the completed auctions (meaning she wouldn't get her lights) or do they cancel the shill bids (meaning she'd get the lights for nearly 20 quid less)?

Or shall we mail them asking for the lights cheaper (wadda ya mean blackmail? :p) Do Paypal offer a partial refund if the seller is caught shill bidding? (buy the lights now, then report them, then get part of the money back once the seller is "caught")

cheers (dear god, my first ebay thread, i feel dirty. and not in a good way)
By reporting the seller you've already peed them off. I would just cut my losses and pull out of the entire transaction rather than risk getting ripped off into the bargain.

Besides Lexus lights look awful and you'd be better off without them ;)
Not pushed the "send" on the report yet.

And yes, lexarse lights look chuffing aweful :) but the wife wants a set for her birthday.

And she's sat here giving me grief about her bad taste :p
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