Another iPad 2 (should I?) thread - but not without reason!

23 Feb 2003
I know this is a bit like walking into a church and asking if I should be religious, but there are a few good points holding me back. Namely:

Amazon are supposedly announcing the new kindles tomorrow, which may have some bearing on Apple's release schedule.

Apple's event on Oct 4th is supposedly introducing iOS 5 and the iPhone 5.

There is also a lot of hubbub surrounding Apple shifting it's manufacturing lines for the iPad, reducing expected deliveries, etc, which are suggesting Apple may reduce the price of the iPad in the coming weeks.

Either way, this is all speculation. I can buy the iPad 16gb Wifi TODAY for £350 using a couple of high-street store promotions, otherwise if I don't buy it now the best I can do in future will be £370.

Obviously iOS 5 can be installed on the iPad 2, but I don't want to buy now and find the price dropping in a months time. Any constructive decision making?

many thanks
- There won't be a new iPad until next year, the iPad 2 is still selling just fine.

- Apple aren't one for price drops until they actually release a new product and need to clear old stock.

If you want one, buy it now.
Well rumours are that iPad3 will be next year with a smige of possibility that there might be an iPad2 'plus' (with a high res screen) released at the event. How true? I've no idea but I'm just holding off the extra week or so just to make sure.
I'd buy it now, then it's in your hands this week and you can actually use it! That's why you're buying right, to use? There's always a better tablet round the corner, just don't buy when the successor is about to be released (which it isn't).
Well rumours are that iPad3 will be next year with a smige of possibility that there might be an iPad2 'plus' (with a high res screen) released at the event. How true? I've no idea but I'm just holding off the extra week or so just to make sure.

There won't be.
I think it's just consumer mentality:

I'm happy to pay the price for an iPad 2 now. But if they were to (hypothetically) announce an iPad 3, it immediately lowers the perceived (and perhaps actual) value of the iPad 2.

I'm thinking just buy it, like you say. Just wish I had bought it 6 months ago! My main hesitation is being so close to the Apple iOS5 event - but likewise it's unlikely to impact the current iPad line-up in any way.
I went through these thoughts over the weekend and eventually I decided to buy one. If we waited round for the "next gen" of tablets then we'd all be waiting round forever. Mine gets delivered on Thursday and I cannot wait.
Unless they are on the verge of release, waiting for the next wave of phones and tablets is a stupid thing to do. Just get one.
Hmmm, there's a very small amount of backlight bleed on the bottom right of the screen (in portrait), near the home button. It's only visible on black screens (e.g. lock screen), and seems to change if I push down on the glass.

Don't notice it in normal use. Is this still a fairly common issue?

edit: Think it's a Wk33 model (Aug)
I got one. It's really nice. Flipboard is awesome.

Just curious about the backlight bleeding. But it's so minor I have to look for it. Unless I'm sitting in the dark, looking at pictures of blackness.

Think I'll hang on to it for now. Last time I exchanged my iPhone 4 (3 times) each one had different problems and I wished I'd stuck with the original.
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