Another Sea Shepherd Vessel to smash up? :)

24 Jul 2004
It look like Sea Shepherd have invested in another vessel to help them with their anti-whaling campaign.

It's called the Ocean Adventurer:


SeaShepherd New Vessel Article

The 12-year-old, 115-foot, stabilized monohull vessel would fill the role of fast interceptor, replacing the Ady Gil, the vessel that the Japanese whaling vessel Shonan Maru No. 2 deliberately rammed and destroyed on January 6th of this year.

With three ships, we will once again be able to track and intervene against the poachers in the Southern Ocean for the entire season. Our goal is to save more whales this coming season than we did during the last season and to shut down whaling in the Southern Ocean permanently.

I love it. Not quite as nice as the Ady Gil (Earthrace) but still a stunning boat.

Good luck to them.
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They are actually doing something worthy. Good luck to them :)

Unlike certain Other protesters. ***Cough*** PETA ***Cough***
Sea Shepard methods are a bit questionable but they are effective. I support them.



I'm not a fan of PETA etc.. and frankly I eat most living things - but I don't agree with hunting whales at all, especially endangered species.

The Japs are frankly taking the mickey with their supposed 'scientific research' and I'm glad someone it standing up to them and taking direct action.
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the Japanese whaling vessel Shonan Maru No. 2 deliberately rammed and destroyed

Interesting, cause on the video it looked like sea Shepard drove it into the path of a boat they knew could not turn or stop in time.
Questionable methods but I am on their side generally, do we really need to hunt endangered animals when there is loads of other non endangered stuff out there fior eating?

Damn Japs.
Interesting, cause on the video it looked like sea Shepard drove it into the path of a boat they knew could not turn or stop in time.

If you look on youtube for "ady gil collision view from bob barker" from shiftlock13 (bad language so cant link) it gives a different view, you can see the japanese vessel turning on a course to collide with the ady gil, it looks like it is closing to use the water cannon more effectively.
Looks like a pretty awesome ship. Will be a shame if Sea Shepherd get it trashed. Then again maybe it is getting old in the tooth and is time to go down in a pool fuel oil and splintered fibreglass.

The Ocean Adventurer was originally launched in 1998 to win the fasted circumnavigation of the world.

cool boat, imagine wakeboarding with it on a long line, with multiple wakes to hit
How about surfing? :D




Interesting, cause on the video it looked like sea Shepard drove it into the path of a boat they knew could not turn or stop in time.

I havent seen one Video that shows them moving into the path of the other boat....?????????
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