Anti-rape Device to Hit the Market

7 Feb 2007
Anti-rape device created by South-African inventor Sonnet Ehlers is about to hit the market after a long time of waiting for patent verification.

What do you guys think of this, I think it's a very good idea - but may only give the victim a small window in which to flee. As the intention of the offender may switch to causing extreme violence in frustration.
So long as she doesn't forget about it when she gets home to her husband :eek:

Should make it with razer blades so it severs "it" off though tbh... permanent solution :cool:
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Wow, that is scary.

I know that rape is a huge problem in Africa, and like they say this may buy the woman some time to escape - I can't see anyone chasing to far / fast with that thing stock on the end of their old man!

It's a pretty barbaric device but then if you are the kind of person who rapes women, you deserve nothing less.
Anti-rape device created by South-African inventor Sonnet Ehlers is about to hit the market after a long time of waiting for patent verification.

The female condom-like device called Rapex has fish-like teeth that attach to the penis.

This invention stirred a great deal of controversy all over the world. The main concern is whether the Rapex was a medieval device built on a hate of men or it can be considered an easy-to use devise that could help South African women protect themselves against rape.

According to Sonnet Ehlers the process of cheking is going to be up on April 10.

Sonnet Eshlers publicly announced her invention one and half years ago and shot to international fame as the invention stirred debates about advantages and disadvantages of Rapex.

The inventor took part in British and Australian radio shows and was interviewed by South American journalists.

Eshler said that she was not a male hater, she simply wanted to help African women to protect themselves against rape. Though the device might seem a good weapon to fight rape, Eshler has many opponents.

Even such organization as Rape Crisis Cape Town does not consider Rapex to be a solution to the social problem of rape and considers such a devise to be likely to increase female vulnerability to violence.

Eshler insists on the fact that the main advantage of her invention is that it could give a woman attacked by a rapist some vital seconds to escape the criminal while he is busy dealing with pain caused by the device. This would be great pain as 25 teeth of the device that is inserted in the vagina attach themselves to the head and the shaft of the penis. What is more, she says the device will help with proving the crime as the rapist will have to go to a doctor to have the fish-like teeth removed.

The product is going to be be mass-produced in China next month.


After Reading its just :eek:

Imagine that bitting on to your wang :p

Release them i Say!!!!
The amn would never walk again!!!
Zip said:

After Reading its just :eek:

Imagine that bitting on to your wang :p

Release them i Say!!!!
The amn would never walk again!!!
Or the women once the man beat her to death for biting his penis.
Tombo said:
Or the women once the man beat her to death for biting his penis.

Do ypu actually think you could stand up let alone beat someone to death with that latched on to your wang? :p

If anything he would shoot her considering its South Africa, Thats if he can manage to pry his hands off his willy
InsomniaCalls said:
Can see this being used by disgruntled ex-girlfriends during the breakup sex tbh.

:eek: You are right - I bet some unhinged bunny boiler would do that to get back at an ex.....
It's a potentially good weapon against rape, I don't think there is a valid argument that it could be used covertly in a consentual situation because it is merely one weapon available.

The only question is, would women who use this then be likely to face greater retribution at the hands of their now wounded rapists? Perhaps, but I doubt it.

Good invention.

I guess that's the "snappin' pussy" they talked about in Dusk Till Dawn
They could always Line the Teeth with something that would Knock out the Rapist since peolple are worryed about them getting hurt or killed by the Rappist afterwards.
It would be a shocking thing to feel you have to use everyday. Realistically, most people struggle to even contemplate the full act of rape. To feel you need to put this thing on inherently means there's a very real chance it could get to the penetrative stage. An awful thing for any woman to have to pragmatically contemplate and take action against.
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Zip said:
They could always Line the Teeth with something that would Knock out the Rapist since peolple are worryed about them getting hurt or killed by the Rappist afterwards.

I hope you can see the irony in turning an anti-rape device into a modifiable date-rape device :o

"Yes sir?"

"Six packs of those Rapex things, the once that can knock someone out"

Surely rapists are just going to check first or just get more violent towards the woman when they rip themselves?

Difficult situation really.
My worry would be that deposits of blood would be left inside the woman as he pulled out and the teeth took bite, which of course is a much more common way to catch diseases - wonder if they thought about that?

Grahame said:
My worry would be that deposits of blood would be left inside the woman as he pulled out and the teeth took bite, which of course is a much more common way to catch diseases - wonder if they thought about that?


No blood mate.... here is a pic for ya here
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