Originally posted by Jono
Was poland a threat to world peace?
How can you compare the two?
No offence, but the war wagon is a rollin'. You can't stop it. Not now.
well for a start, iraq is not a threat to world piece, the US is.
put this in another thread, but you might find it interesting.
The US is a ccountry that;
1) vetoed 36 resolutions regarding Israels occupation of the west Bank
2) supports Israel despite the outstanding for
30 years UN RESOLUTION calling for Israel to withdraw from the WEst Bank
3) refuses to sign up to the internation war crimes court (why?)
4) attempts to bully and bribe member of the Un into supporting it's policies (read the papers)
5) spys on fellow members of the UN
6) sold WMD to Iraq
7) withdrew from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
8) urged abandonment of the Biological Weapons Convention (Donald A. Mahley)
9) declared that it is willing to use nukes pre-emptivly
10) refused to sign the COMPREHENSIVE TEST BAN TREATY
12) ensured that under the CHEMICAL WEAPONS CONVENTION, the president could refuse any inspections
13) withdrew from the KYOTO GLOBAL WARMING ACCORD
14) refuses to pay UNITED NATIONS DUES amounting to approx £500Million
15) refused to ratify the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child which would mean that 17 year olds could not join the US army
16) In May 2001, the United States was voted off the UN Human Rights Commission
17) 1950 Korean War – The USA invaded North Korea without any declaration of war, calling it a 'police action'
18) 1964 Vietnam War - started with a fasle declaraqtion that the US had been attacked
19) 1961 Invasion of Cuba because it did not like castro
20) 1965 Invasion of Dominican Republic because it did not like the legally elected government
21) 1973 Deposing of Salvador Allende in Chile (legally elected) and replacing with Augusto Pinochet - who promptly killed tens of thousands of innocent people
22) 1983 Invasion of Grenada because it did not like the legally elected government
23) 1985 Iran-Contra Affair – The USA secretly funded a guerrilla army with money made from illegal weapons sales to Iran
24) 1986 Bombing of Libya – Without offering any hard evidence whatsoever, the USA claimed that Libya was masterminding global terrorism and illegally bombed Tripoli, killing the daughter of Libyan leader Gaddafi and other innocent civilians
25) 1989 Invasion of Panama
26) 2001 - began series of extra-judicial killings of only terrorists SUSPECTED
27) 2003 - refuses to treat Guantánamo detainees with any basic human rights
edit/changed date of veitnam war...thanks to thebrasso