Any After Effects wizards around?

16 Oct 2007
I'm trying to do a cut scene for a little video compilation, which involves a background image and then the camera panning out, before zooming in on another area.

But i'm stuck..
Rather than animate the camera I would animate your background layer. So import it, set it to a 3d layer, keyframe the appropriate axis in your comp for the background layer. Done.
Rather than animate the camera I would animate your background layer. So import it, set it to a 3d layer, keyframe the appropriate axis in your comp for the background layer. Done.

Very bad way of doing it.

Create a null object, pig whip your camera to it. Move the null object around rather than the camera (the camera will follow but AE will not try and be clever by keyframing and tweening various frames). Then set your layer to 3d, and use the null object orientation to control your camera.
If you're pick whipping your camera to a null object you may as well just animate the camera no? I don't think a null object is appropriate here unless you actually parented the content to the null object rather than the camera.
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