Any good laptop games?

11 Oct 2005
I'm getting my laptop later on tonight and was wanting to know what games would be good to play on it? I'm keeping my mouse so the touch pad won't be getting used too much.
I like RPGish, FPS, RTS and sim type games and I think I would like something like WoW but an offline version as I don't have the money to pay for it monthly.
I've looked at Silverfall and Dreamfall and they seem good. Has anyone played them?

Thanks :)
Laptop games? I don't understand. I doubt there are games that have been designed for laptops as opposed to towers. What are its specs though so we know what you can't play?
DB_SamX said:
Laptop games? I don't understand. I doubt there are games that have been designed for laptops as opposed to towers. What are its specs though so we know what you can't play?
Usually people mean low specced games.

Buy StarCraft!
I would definitely get Puzzle Quest: something something Warlords or something like that. I've got it on the DS and tried a demo on PC.
DB_SamX said:
Laptop games? I don't understand. I doubt there are games that have been designed for laptops as opposed to towers. What are its specs though so we know what you can't play?

I meant games that are laptop friendly. Some games are harder to play on a laptop, or I find that.
According to my bf it should play almost every game. Dual core Turion, 2GB of RAM and I can't remember graphics card.
I'm new to pc gaming so don't really know what good games are out there.
You've gotta go for The Sims 2, all of the rollercoaster tycoon series games surely ! Endless fun :D.

I understand that guildwars is a one off fee and it's an MMORPG, however I'm not sure if it requires a top of the range PC spec so that may be one to look out for.
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