100% not weed(cannabis) or hemp
It's not marijuana.
Not that I have ever grown it before so would be and expert on what what it looks like.
It doesn't seed till maybe late summer. Young growth is soft and fleshy but it turns woody quite quickly. Strim it now, apply weedkiller to any new growth you see coming through. It's not that difficult to get rid of but you do need to keep on top of it. Biggest problem I suppose is that they produce loads of seeds and they spread on the wind so if there's any plants around the chances are you'll get it back sooner or later.Used that app and it’s 74% willow herb. Reading about it spreads so much with seeds and roots and can take over gardens. Great!!!
It doesn't seed till maybe late summer. Young growth is soft and fleshy but it turns woody quite quickly. Strim it now, apply weedkiller to any new growth you see coming through. It's not that difficult to get rid of but you do need to keep on top of it. Biggest problem I suppose is that they produce loads of seeds and they spread on the wind so if there's any plants around the chances are you'll get it back sooner or later.
you're ******cheers mate - the problem I’ve got is. I have a low bush running along back of garden. Then there is a short space behind it leading to a low barb wire fence. Behind this is a wild area owned by council which is full of trees and wild things like nettles etc. It’s growing other side but started growing through barb wire and some onto space behind bush.