120hz means, most likely less ghosting, less tearing issues(probably), just better all round for gaming.
Tearing is actually a pretty horrible issue for gaming and afaik is caused by the screen simply not refreshing as quickly as the frame buffer. If the screen can display quicker than the frame buffer is refreshed, I assume tearing is almost completely gone. I never dealt with tearing with a CRT with a 100Hz+ rate, LCD's, with v-sync, still an issue in several games, more so without it. Tearing irritates me, irritates the hell out of me, single biggest issue for me now that ghosting is "mostly" gone, or significantly reduced on any newish screen from the last couple years.
The 3d tech is horrible, a friend whose a moron got it(and wastes his money on almost any new thing), he gets headaches on long gaming sessions, maybe because I have glasses(which made their glasses horribly uncomftable) and not having great corrected vision, I got headaches very quickly. Blacking out one eye at a time is a very very poor substitute, and killing half your framerate when going from 60-120hz for me, increases the quality of gaming more than half hearted 3d that gives many people horrible headaches, seems utterly retarded.
The industry moving from 60 to 120hz screens as standard will be far more welcome to gamers, than dodgey 3d. Seeing as 120hz/100/200hz in tv's has been around for ages, or heck, 600hz in plasma's, you'd think it would be done sooner rather than later
Biggest problem will be getting more than a handful of 120hz screens to bring prices down. a 24" 120hz lcd will cost a poopload on release. I'm half tempted to drop down to a 20-22" 120hz for a while as their prices will no doubt drop much sooner/further than 24" versions, then maybe move back to a 24" version a year or two later when the tech is better, far far cheaper and any weird kinks are ironed out.