any last fm users? test my webpage please.

6 Feb 2004
i realise already do far better customised signatures but i wrote my own page/ gd image script anyway. this is my first ever bash at html and php. :p

can you test it out please. let me know how it responds as it's only hosted on my home pc. i'd also be interested if it looks ok in other browsers. i've only tested ff2/ie7 on windows..... :o


thanks. :)
Very nice, I like. Works fine in Fx2 and Opera9 on Linux (Fedora Core 6).

Only thing I can comment on is that I'm not too fond of the colour scheme - just a little too bright and low contrast for my eyes :).
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Augmented said:
Only thing I can comment on is that I'm not too fond of the colour scheme - just a little too bright and low contrast for my eyes :).

well i've changed it to something darker now. i'm using the same shade as the example sig you posted. :p

and i'm pleasantly surprised it's showing on other browser/platforms ok. thanks for the feedback guys. :)

and addy_010, i'm now using an iframe as opposed to the frameset i had the other day. :p
Small issue I've noticed is that non-ascii characters in strings appear to be being mangled. Might be worth looking into how you're handling unicode (audioscrobbler data is always utf-8). For example, "ASA-CHANG & 巡礼 – Kobana" should display fine with Verdana or Arial, as they have the relevant characters. Though it may simply be that you need to ensure you have the various language-support packs available for characters to display correctly.
if i remove the image header from my script and echo the output as plain text it's fine,


all i'm doing is outputting the same string with the php function 'Imagettftext'. yet it's losing the character info? i don't know why.... :confused: :p

/goes off to google... :D

edit: sorted. i was using the standard arial font instead of the unicode one. but i don't have a verdana font on my system that supports unicode though.....

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sorry to be a pain people. :o

any chance some peeps with some funky browsers can check it again. i've managed to lose the tables and an iframe that i was using. :p
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