Any t-mobile insiders willing to provide info on the Moto RIZR Z8

4 Nov 2003
Anyone working on the inside and in the know willing to tell me if t-mobile will bother picking the RIZR Z8 up, and if so, when?

Contract is ending within the next few months, and i'd rather just wait for this phone if it's coming that have to upgrade sell the upgrade on ebay and buy the RIZR separately.

I'm more than happy with my T-Mobile service, its just a shame the people on the phone can't help me.
most t-mob staff do not have access to the upcoming phones until t-mob are ready to release the information to public themselves.
there are some staff that do have access to the planned upcoming phones, but these can change as network software can cause all sorts of problems, pushing back release dates.

Hmmm i don't know what to do then. Basically i want a symbian phone and the new soft button UIQ version looks great, slightly different from s60 but not in a bad way. The phone itself looks great to me too, something different until every man and his dog has one i suppose.
Well is it as good as i hope it is?

If you've got the time, would you mind writing a mini review? :D

My main concern is how well the UIQ interface holds up, and how the software is sorting itself out on it?

Cheers Dan

//Edit: I'd take it on o2 but the deal i've got with T-mobile just can't be beaten, i'd rather pay more for the handset and keep my minimum flext20 (but can move up and down tarriffs) with %25 off everything for life. Ie paying:
£15 per month for £34 worth of credit.
£18.75 per month for £60 worth of credit.
£20.63 per month for £34 worth of credit and web'n'walk
£24.38 per month for £60 worth of credit and web'n'walk

Credit broken down as 10p per text anytime, 20p per mms anytime and 20p per min anytime cross network
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i dont have time to write a mini review as such, but will try and answer any specifics.

The screen is gorgeous and very sharp - best on a mobile ive seen, i love the design and buttons for me are easy to use - can text fast and what not.

A few things are a bit dodgy such as turning to silent, you need to switch to the profile - which is fine, but the profile has its own themes, wallpapers, settings the lot - so you need to setup each profile with the same theme and that which is a bit backwards, i wanna put silent on and have it just turn of the ringers.

The UI seems ok ive not had any crashes and its relatively quick, sometimes sliding the phone up itll take 2/3 secs to come up ready for use - ive not installed any programs yet but the few that are on tehre work fine and everything is pretty speedy - a lot more so then the last symbian phone i had (Nokia 6600)
It sounds like a great phone, tbh after the initial set up of the weird theme/profile things i can't say i'd be that bothered. But it might be nice to change the background with the theme so i know i'm definately on silent without having to check i any way. I haven't read anything about it having them, but does it have any coloured status lights, like samsungs or one of the new SE's. That really would finish it off!

I want this phone now, i'm stuck with an 8310 :cool:!

Oh and Tunney depending on your area, becuase sometimes reception is a bit rubbish depending on where i am around the country, T-mobile for me offer some unbeatable prices. I'm just lucky everywhere i go the phone has signal. :)
LeperousDust said:
//Edit: I'd take it on o2 but the deal i've got with T-mobile just can't be beaten, i'd rather pay more for the handset and keep my minimum flext20 (but can move up and down tarriffs) with %25 off everything for life
How did you manage to get the 25% off for life? I signed up to Flext35 + Web 'n' Walk when they first came out and got the 25% discount, but when I enquired last week in the store about renewing the contract he said I couldn't keep my discount :(
God knows, i asked and they said i could!

Anyways possible change of plan now guys, i love the phone but my sodding mate just bought it on bloody vodafone. T-mobile are so slow... Livid i don't want the same phone as him, i hate that... Any comparable phones? :p
i was playing with one at work the other week and i thought it was pretty terrible tbh. they've taken everything good about uiq and chucked it out the window, the ui although quick was less than intuitive. also wasn't much on the whole sliding mechanism, thought the buttons on the main keypad were awkward to use.

this is just my opinion though, the pro's as mentioned are that it has a gorgeous screen, most new ui's seems awkward at first too so it may just need a bit of familiarization.

its a love it or hate it phone by the sounds of it so your best bet will be to try one instore. as far as if t-mobile will have it, well the firmware is still quite buggy at the moment and t-mobile usually shy away initially from buggy phones.
Tunney said:
It'll come to T-Mobile eventually, I'm sure.

From what i can gather the z8 aint going to be coming out on t-mobile they are going with the v8/v9 scenario which i got to be honest do look like very stunning phones for the style end of the market , i was rather impressed with the onboard mem of the v8 which has 450mb of the bloody stuff.

Maybe that t-mobile will release the Z8 at a later date i will be sure that you could pick it up at local high street stores on T-Mobile though.

Alex Slane:)
Haha it's seeming less and less likely, i can get the phone from shops that resell t-mobile contracts etc... But i really want to keep exactly what i've got, so i keep my 25% off, which means i need to upgrade directly with t-mob.

I've no idea what i want now tbh, trying to find some kind of replacement but t-mobiles choice of phones at present just don't look like anything i'd want. I thought of jacking it all in and just getting a posers phone (8600) but i know i'd kill myself after a week of using it, haha.
I've found it, it's almost nothing like what i was looking at, but i'm going to get the Nokia 6120 Classic. Back to s60, so avoid any new UIQ confusion, tiny tiny smartphone, great battery 3.5g and all the latest feature pack malarky its awesome. It seemed to appear under the radar though. Now i've just got work out how i'm going to get it. It's available (again) on three or vodafone.

Three is an awesome deal but i'm not sure about their less than stellar internet access, i mean whats the point in 3.5g when i can't go where i want? Voda isn't a particulary great deal compared to three though. Why can't t-mobile just get their act together!
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