Anybody into Aquariums ?

26 Mar 2010
I broke my old 90LTank last week when I was cleaning it :eek:

So I went out and bought a 180L Tank. :D

Other than Building and upgrading Computers I find keeping fish an Ideal way to relax and unwind after a hard days graft.

I keep freshwater fish mainly Goldfish though I do have four Loaches and one pleck. Also I have four fish from my local pond they were tiny sprats when I first caught them about 2 inches but now theyve grown to about 8 inches Its a shame that I dont know what species they are.








Sorry about the Image quality of the photos but I took them with the camera on my PSP which is only 4 mega pixels.

Do any of you keep an aquarium ?
Thats pretty cool! I've always wanted to get a big tank full of tropical fish but haven't had the space as of yet.
I was in a store that sold aquariums and the rest of the paraphernalia. Had some lovely setups in there, corals and clown fish.

I would love one, but always the same problem with pets when you go away on holiday. Who's gonna look after it. Then it occurred to me we could get one for work, we only close 3 days a year :)
I was in a store that sold aquariums and the rest of the paraphernalia. Had some lovely setups in there, corals and clown fish.

I would love one, but always the same problem with pets when you go away on holiday. Who's gonna look after it. Then it occurred to me we could get one for work, we only close 3 days a year :)

you can buy food for them thats a big block of compressed flake food that you stick on the inside of the tank it slowly dissolves releasing a portion of food every day they last around a month.
Some nice, healthy looking fish there. :) I used to keep tropicals, stopped round about a year ago. Hopefully one day I'll start it up once more, though the next time I'll probably buy a much smaller tank.
They make me laugh my Fish do. They remind me of little dogs, when I get up early in the morning and go into their room they apear to know that I'm there and that its feeding time. Theres a flurry of activity in the tank and theyre all looking out towards me.

It's a form of Intelligence or a habitualy memorised instinctive reflex type affair.
I'd rather go with the Intelligence theory myself.:D
Great stuff. :)
I found it a very rewarding, and as you say, a great way to unwind at the end of the day. Part of the reward is putting in the effort to look after the fish (or any creature), and then seeing it grow and become healthy.
I broke my old 90LTank last week when I was cleaning it :eek:

And fed the dead fish to my son in the form of fish fingers.



Seriously, know nothing about fish n such but theres something relaxing about watching them in a nice aquarium like yours :>
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