Anybody live in muswell hill?

20 Jun 2005
I'm just wondering if it's still free parking on the streets off m hill broadway.

I used to live round there so feel I can justify a cheeky days free parking :)

If not, any info on park n rides anywhere off the bottom of the m1?

Try Tetherdown outside the school and sideroads off it if you can get there early/late enough. (Kings Ave etc)

Or do what I usually do and check google streetview and look at the parking resriction signs! ;)
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Yeah, I was going to check streetview but didn't know how in date it would be.

I left m hill 6 years ago. All the st's off broadway towards Alexandra palace used to be free.

I'll take a quick look on st map later
Try Tetherdown outside the school and sideroads off it if you can get there early/late enough. (Kings Ave etc)
I normally park round there when in visit Muswell Hill. Have never failed to find a place on the roads off Grand Avenue.

All the st's off broadway towards Alexandra palace used to be free.
Think they still are but I'm rarely at that end so they could have slipped a few controlled parking zones in without me noticing.
I live in Bounds Green not far away from Muswell Hill, whenever I go I usually find that Princes Avenue (the street next to O'Neill's) and Dukes Avenue are the easiest (and free) places to get parked, no restrictions on those roads.
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