Anyone else disappointed with the Bioshock demo?

7 May 2007
After completing the 10 minute demo, (5 minutes if you don't account for being asleep and all the other crap) I wasn't really left with a lasting impression, thought it was pretty average tbh, wasn't that impressed by the visuals or gameplay. Maybe it's just becuase it's a really short demo but it has put me off a bit... Anyone else feel the same?
I was sceptical mainly as i didnt know that much about the game, but the hand powers, the enviroment and textures and the sounds and music is just incredable, miles better than oblivion even tho you shouldnt judge them games side by side as there different types of games. I still duno if its my type of game but it was fun to blast things with electric and the enviroment and ambiance of the game was very good and stylish. The gfx if one actually cares about gfx these days is one of the best ive seen as they do the job perfectly of showing the underground city in its madness and decaying state.
Demo keeps crashing on me... damn the no saving, i cant take another sit through the pane crash movie.

But... having it run sweet at 1680x1050 with everything but AA and AF on a a meager x1800 256mb, 4200+ 939 w/ 1gb of ram (given the recommended requirements) is a pretty good sign.
I have to admit I am not that impressed at much hype for a game that is very average.

I played the game with everything up and I was not that enamored with the game at all. Average gameplay, graphics etc may get better who knows, I won't because I won't be buying it.
The only problem i had was the fact that it was very short and i watched more than i played, i will definately be getting this game after the demo though so i guess it did it's job :p
It gave my poor 6800GT a go for it's money with all the settings on low and the screen res at 1920x1200...

I might wait until my upgrade to a Macbook Pro (looking like March time) to play it in all it's glory, or I might get it now, play it as best as my current rig will take it, and then play it through again once I've made the upgrade.

demo was a bit short to know fully what I'll think of the full game. not convinced (at the moment) it's the 10/10 shooter 2.0 everyone says it is. But v.glad I have it on order and am v.much looking forward to playing it through from start to finish. Sound, presentation and atmosphere are all top notch from what I have seen.

I'm a bit worried it may end up like f.e.a.r was for me, where I loved the experience of going through it and everything about it, apart from the actual gameplay.
Looks like it's going to be repetitive.
It ran quite bad on 7900GS, and it's not my kind of game. With all this hype I expected something extra from it.
Panzerbjorn said:
It gave my poor 6800GT a go for it's money with all the settings on low and the screen res at 1920x1200...

I might wait until my upgrade to a Macbook Pro (looking like March time) to play it in all it's glory, or I might get it now, play it as best as my current rig will take it, and then play it through again once I've made the upgrade.


Hey whats the rest of your spec? I have the same card and was wondering how well it would run.
was i disappointed with the demo? well that would have to be a big fat NO, i loved it and if i get this job im going for an interview for on friday i will be buying it on my way home :D
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