Anyone know a Land Rover repairer/mechanic in Essex

5 Aug 2003
I went out for some off roading in my Disocvery that I bought last Thursday and have managed to break something, it's either the CV joint or the rear half shaft, apparently it isn't too difficult to fix but I'd rather get someone who knows what they're doing to fix it!

Anyone know anywhere good to get it repaired?
Waltham Service Station seem to be enthusiastic about Landys, dunno about Discos though.

Near Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford.
4x4 partsmaster at Brantham (near manningtree) aren't bad. Duncan's a top bloke and was back when he owned Mansfield motors too.
should be fine as you won't be loading the diff in corners as you will be spinning out the dead axel (dif locks one front wheel to one rear) and driving off the front axel

The only thing I would worry about when driving is if knacked axel binds when your going along.

I have my Trans box go (locking rear prop) at 30mph and with my 6"+ lift she seriously almost rolled!!!

edit after rereading I'm lost

do you mean the rear prop (trans box to rear axel) and one of those cv joints?

if so one of those cv jons would be apparent or you could have nailed the pinon gear that meshes with the dif in the rear axel, or maybe the rear output shaft on the trans box is gone (that would explain why dif lock gives you drive to the front)

My box died and locked the rear output shaft :(

lol sorry rambling
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Well I'd just pulled away from the field I was off roading in and going down a gravel track when I just seemed to lose all power. It felt like a could get into gear but when releasing the clutch nothing was happening, it wouldn't even stall if you did it with no gas.

Myself and my mates assumed the clutch had gone so started pushing to get it back onto a road so I could call the AA and get it towed, had to push the ******* thing up a bloody hill, got about half way up and the 4 of us collapsed lol.

I thought I'd give driving it another try and it miraculously started moving but then stopped again so I thought I'd try it with the Diff Lock engaged and it moved, just like normal although on pulling away I felt the left side rise up as if it was going over a brick, this now happens whenever you turn the diff lock off and then on again, maybe it's just clicking into place?

I've asked over on the Land Rover forums and they reckon it's the rear half shaft since with Diff Lock on I am getting drive, another possibility they mentioned is a broken CV joint, I'll try and get under it at some point and have a look.
If you have a jack you will easily be able to tell which corner has let go by turning each wheel with the others on the ground.

It does indeed sound very much like a rear halfshaft although these quite often go with a bang.

You can drive it in this state with difflock engaged but you have to be careful of two things, the previously mentioned binding issue and swarf from the broken halfshaft killing your rear diff.

what sort of Disco have you got? :)
Half the fun in offroading using Landies is the inevitable repairs following a session! The big benefit is that they are essentially large meccano sets and are normally cheap and easy to repair yourself.
I'd have a go at it yourself, or get someone from a local off roading club to give you a hand in return for some beers. You'll find that most clubs are very community minded and willing to help. Failing that, get a guide off one on the many off road or Land Rover forums as it's not an uncommin repair.

If you plan on doing any more off roading, the ability to mend it yourself will save you a fortune in the long run.
emailiscrap said:
Half the fun in offroading using Landies is the inevitable repairs following a session! The big benefit is that they are essentially large meccano sets and are normally cheap and easy to repair yourself.
I'd have a go at it yourself, or get someone from a local off roading club to give you a hand in return for some beers. You'll find that most clubs are very community minded and willing to help. Failing that, get a guide off one on the many off road or Land Rover forums as it's not an uncommin repair.

If you plan on doing any more off roading, the ability to mend it yourself will save you a fortune in the long run.

yeah I've had a look at one of the parts shops and can see all the things I'd need to fix it, pretty damn cheap too! I love the fact that you can kill half of the wheels but then engage diff lock and carry on moving :D (not that that's what it's for and I shouldn't do it too often :p)

I'll get it jacked up tomorrow and have a good look to see whether it's the half shaft on cv joint, I didn't hear a bang and it rolled to a stop quite smoothly so it may turn out to be the cv joint.

It's a J Reg Discovery 2.5TD by the way, I love the sound of the turbo on this thing too :D
That engine does have a nice turbo noise. We put a 200tdi defender engine in to my mates SIII last year, K&N straight onto the turbo and a side exit exhaust with no silencing, load but fun :)
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