Anyone know a new MMORPG coming out

17 Aug 2007
Heya Guys.

Does anyone know of any good looking mmorpgs, coming out in the near future XD not including warhammer online XD.

tang0 said:
hellgate london is out in a couple of weeks !

is it?

on a previous thread there was a massive list of games that were coming out and Hellgate was down as coming out in November, which i was hoping was a mistake as i have been looking forward to that game since this time last year.
NONE, until huxley comes out. All these click games are rubbish and boring. We need a FPS. what ever genera or game style it is. clicking boxes isn't fun or challenging or interactive in anyway.
Im a retired counter-strike player lol i was playing it since it was 2D which most people dont even know about.. to many moaning players now days so i've given up.

Apparently aiming for the head = hacks lol
R34P3R said:
Indeed I see 2nd November as a date in quite a few places.

That is a right pain, just hope that it is worth the wait, after watching all the vids and such it looks very nice.

Will be good to see how the guys who did Diablo do on this as it is a good concept, cant stop playing Diablo 2 again.
Hxc said:
...? Was Counter Strike not originally developed as a HL mod then?

Before it was a hl mod it was 2d shooter like flash with only 2 guns lol deagle and ak. lol XD but thats years ago.

I think....long time ago lol
-JJ- said:
Before it was a hl mod it was 2d shooter like flash with only 2 guns lol deagle and ak. lol XD but thats years ago.

I think....long time ago lol
Are you sure your thinking about CounterStrike.. CounterStrikes first public beta was in the Half-life engine.. so you'd either have to know Jess Cliffe or Minh Le to have played anything other.. :confused:
Since no one has mentioned it, Tabula Rasa seems like it might be worth checking out. Personally I've reached a point where I can't bring myself to try yet another predictably similar swords and sorcery style mmorpg, so just the sci-fi setting alone makes it interesting.

Grab the E3 2007 movie from here: to get a good idea of what it will be like.
Nullvoid said:
Since no one has mentioned it, Tabula Rasa seems like it might be worth checking out. Personally I've reached a point where I can't bring myself to try yet another predictably similar swords and sorcery style mmorpg, so just the sci-fi setting alone makes it interesting.

Grab the E3 2007 movie from here: to get a good idea of what it will be like.

its utter garbage.
AcidHell2 said:
NONE, until huxley comes out. All these click games are rubbish and boring. We need a FPS. what ever genera or game style it is. clicking boxes isn't fun or challenging or interactive in anyway.

Agreed. Unless SWG comes back in some form :p
AcidHell2 said:
NONE, until huxley comes out. All these click games are rubbish and boring. We need a FPS. what ever genera or game style it is. clicking boxes isn't fun or challenging or interactive in anyway.

Indeed!!! I'm desperate for another MMOFPS, Planetside was an amzaing game, and it's old, they could really make an awesome MMOFPS nowadays I bet.
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