Anyone know of a good scratch repair place near Guildford

3 Feb 2003
Hey guys,

A bit of a long shot but does anyone know of and can recommend a decent scratch repair shop in or around Guildford?

I am reluctant to go to Chips Away due to a bad experience and so was hoping that someone may know of a small indie or other company that can hopefully remove a nasty keying scratch on my wifes Golf.

It may also end up that the scratch is too deep to repair like this and a full re-spray may be needed so if anyone can also advise on a full spraying shop then that would be great.

Cheers guys.
ask at your local car dealership

they usually have a smart repair bloke on contract, or at least one they get a discount from for regular business

They should be happy to pass on his number.

Unless anybody local comes up with a better recommendation, thats what i'd do.
In Guildford, all the VAG garages use Colbornes on Slyfield. I've had a body repair there under warranty which was fantastic, but I don't know about costs. They can do a free quote though I think. Maybe worth a shout?
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