Anyone live near Sunbury/Ashford/Feltham?

18 Aug 2003
If yes what the **** is that awfull noise? It sounds like a concert and its still blaring out at this time of night. Bloody disgusting!

*edit* Oh good its finally finished (22:50). Maybe the wife and I can get some sleep now, poor wife has to be up for work in 4.5 hours!
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Mundu said:
I live in Hounslow which is kinda near. It probably loads of drunks hitting each other over the head with bottles TBH!

No it was def a concert somewhere. What the hell were they thinking holding it on a Wednesday...the mind boggles......oh and it sounded crap anyway. :D
parker said:
i live in ashford,i think it was starsailor at kempton park!

That would probably be it then. Thanks for clearing that up. Bloody hell...Kempton Park is about 3 - 3.5 miles away!
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