Anyone playing BF2 on 360 Live in UK

27 Jan 2006
Hi everyone, is anyone playing BF2 on XBox 360 Live in the UK. I always seem to end up with Americans. I don't have a problem playing Americans however I keep losing the connection to the server which I imagine is because of high ping rates. Are the game quality stars 'connection strength' as I only ever get as high as 2.
hi terry2,

i am on quite a bit so might bump into me, XBL gamertag is hazy hedgehog.

I think you are right with the stars, I find it to be abit hit and miss what quality the game rates it as, i.e get some 5 star games, refresh and all of a sudden they are down to 2 stars?
Hi Pany, my gamertag is 'terry1718' so maybe we'll meet online. I've never seen higher than 2 stars although I suppose I can use it as an excuse for being crap.

I play quite often. I can usually find one or two servers with 4 stars.

The servers have names that contain the country code. I believe EU is European Union (western Europe). Not sure what the others are. No specific UK servers though :(
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