Anyone sent their Jailbroken iPhone V1 for a waranty repair ?

6 Aug 2004
As title really. Just wondering if anyone has sent their non activated iPhone for repair and if so how did you go about it ? Any thing i need to know ?

It sais on the site non activated iPhones can still be sent for a repair but when i phoned up they didnt want to know.

Its got one lazy pixel which is always green. I've only had it for about 6 weeks.

So what if they ask for my phone number or any other details?
I just phoned up and have my repair all sorted. The box is on its way.

They asked for my number but i said i hadnt set the phone up yet.

I have my box to send it back in but i have a question. Should i keep the sim card in or not ?

I havent registered the oringial sim or anything so i would assume to put it back in but in the repair notes it reminds you several times not to leave your sim card in.

What are you doing Gerard ?
My repair has updated saying they have replaced my iPhone. :)

I personally will keep mine and use it. I dont think the V2 iPhone on PAYG will be cheap and even if it is then i dont know if i can use my simplicity in it!
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