Economy class I presume? I flew Qatar long haul last year, they were pretty good, the food was better than most airline food, the multimedia thing worked. Only thing is that Doha airport is pretty third world (they are supposed to be building a new one before the world cup). I've never flown with Emirates but Dubai airport is a much, much better. I don't reckon that any airline's economy class can be a pleasant experience so it's all much of a muchness.
To expand on the airport thing, you have to get on a bus from the plane to get to the terminal, go through security, then get on another bus for your connection - if your connection time is short, they give you a priority sticked on your hand luggage to get you through quicker. In the terminal, the seats aren't comfy, there appeared to be one shop and the toilets were disgusting and full of Africans brushing their teeth. I had an 8 hour stopover on the way out - spent $80 for a hotel room instead which was a damn fine decision.