Anyone used

Can't remember what I got for my n95 last December - something in and around £115 - cheque received within a week of sending the phone.
Rather than create a new thread I'll borrow this one, I've got an old Nokia 6500 slide which works perfectly, but the casing has seen better days (its been dropped onto concrete a few times) will it affect the price they give me (£49)?
Whatever you do send it SPECIAL DELIVERY.

I posted my N95 8Gb via recorded delivery and it never arrived - I suspect the bag they give you makes it obvious whats inside so very easy for postal scum to steal.

£140 in the bin that was.
I used Fonebank, and the cheque came through very quickly indeed. They don't send out envelopes or packages, you have to send it yourself, and as already stated, send it insured. My package to them was worth £100, and the postage was around £5, so it was worth it imo. I think Fonebank also gave the best prices too.
How much would you say a N96 is worth? I barely use it and could use the money.

It's also still under contract. Does that matter? Phone was ordered from Dialaphone.
The contract is with your SIM, as long as you pay the contract it shouldn't be a problem, though I'm not 100% on that.

Fonebank would give £152.00 for an N96.
[TW]Fox;14942409 said:
Whatever you do send it SPECIAL DELIVERY.

I posted my N95 8Gb via recorded delivery and it never arrived - I suspect the bag they give you makes it obvious whats inside so very easy for postal scum to steal.

£140 in the bin that was.

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