Anything Like Star Wars Galaxies On Its way ?

19 Feb 2007
Area 18, ArcCorp
I played Star Wars Galaxies from around launch until the servers were shut down and absolutely loved it, The community was the best I have ever seen in an MMORPG and haven't found a game or community like it since.

I've tried Star Wars: The Old Republic but the free roam aspect of it feels extremely limited compared to SWG, There's no real player housing apart from instanced big rooms and the real money marketplace kinda sours the game for me IMO.

Does anyone know of anything like SWG on the horizon or heard anything of a game in development like it ?

I remember an ex-SWG dev saying something along the lines of "SWG vets you can soon come home" but have heard nothing since.
Not aware of any Star wars themed games like that due out tbh, all housing IMHO has been limited since Ultima Online, it was in the actual gaming area, the rest tended to have instanced housing or areas purely for it.

Even Star Citizen is going to have instanced housing (well - hangars etc) with entrances at various places. Granted like many mmos there's towns etc but I loved the pre-instance housing/worlds like Ultima online :)

SWG didn't have instanced housing, As long as you were around 100 yards away from a main city you could drop a house anywhere, My first 1 was overlooking Mos Eisley space port on a cliff :)

That quote you mentioned, it was from John Smedly (ex-SoE CEO) and he was bizarrely talking about H1Z1, a zombie survival game :lol:

Sadly, there is nothing like SWG coming or ever likely to come (ex SWG player myself - Farstar FTW!) so the closest you'll get is probably SWGEmu.

I've played a few EMU's but most are run by people who either mess with the player base, Lose interest after a time, Never develop the game or have unstable servers.

I was on Starsider myself, Had a Jedi, An officer and a 2nd account with a bounty hunter and a crafter, Re-specced the crafter into a spy and had boat loads of fun messing with people in Restuss :p

When SWG shutdown IMO the MMO scene lost 1 of it's best "Do-Anything-Go-Anywhere" type MMO's that there will ever be with a real Star Wars feel :(
Think you might be on about the Repopulation.

They have issues I think currently, but worth checking out.

One of my greatest ever regrets in gaming, not jumping in on galaxies in it's prime.

If I had the money by winning big in the lotto I'd whole heartedly start a company up and devote it to running SWG with all the legal licenses, Adding new content frequently etc...I know so many people who really really miss it.
I am one of those people. Gone but not forgotten :'(

Unfortunately, even the emu doesn't quite do it for me. Despite having the concepts and atmosphere nailed, the game painfully shows its age, so the magic only really ever existed in the past and in my nostalgia.

Imagine if they just modernized the game engine and graphics *drool*

I've played every major MMO and quite a few smaller ones and nothing compares.
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