apollo photos diseceted

Maybe we should impose a blanket ban on Conspiracy theory threads.... They'd probably make a conspiracy theory about that though...

Would probably just be easier to create a starred conspiracy theory thread so we all knew where to avoid.


why not just not bother

1\posting in said threads
2\ visiting said threads

or do you want to access only sanitized and approved threads that fit in with 'your' views and opinions and those people who post anything outside of this to ostracized?

I guess one of your catch phrases is 'bigot' or 'racist' to anyone with differing views to you? I guess you was born after 1990.
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Not sure if serious.jpg

Image manipulation was not an invention of the digital age, it harks back practically to day two of the invention of photography, no sooner were people making photographs they were making composites, removing detail etc etc etc.
The concept of "the photograph never lies" has been a fallacy from the word go.

some people think you cannot do anything unless you have a computer.
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