ArcheAge, Ultima Online's rebirth?

What changes are these? If I have to purchase more on top of the subscription I am not too keen.

A lot of the complaints are for a single reason..impatience on the part of the players.

There is no need at all to purchase anything, as long as your patient and not one of the I Want, I Want crowd, who seem so prevalent in games these days.
I haven't followed it closely, but it seems that without subscription you are so limited (e.g. can't own land) that you can't progress in the game. Apparently now to craft properly you have to buy items in the store.

It's almost universal anger on their forums. Rift and Defiance appear to be the same with recent changes, it looks like Trion is going full pay to win.

All I will say is that I have been able to craft fine all along, I'd like more dust quicker, sure I would, but then I would like to have a full set of epics really quickly in an MMO too. However, I am mature enough to accept that things come to those who wait, and I am patient enough to accept that I'll craft fine in time.

Last night for example someone in the global chat asked if anyone had sunlight dust for sale. The responses immediately from people in global chat were "no chance" , "you cant you have to buy it now" , "you've no hope of anyone selling that, its impossible to get" and so on.

As it turned out, I had opened a mass of coinpurses last night and from them , I had got 15 sunlight dust and 1 sunlight crystal (which I processed into a further 12 sunlight dust, a lot of people don't even realise you can process things down into dust) , so 27 sunlight dust last night alone. I guess I opened quite a lot of coinpurses to get that, didn't notice how many in total though as I wasn't adding up. I actually gave the guy the 27 dust for nothing anyway.

So its plenty possible to craft, its just not possible to do it really quickly, and like so much these days in gaming, the players want it and want it NOW. :)
Like I said, I haven't followed the ArcheAge stuff very well (despite buying a founder's pack, after I saw a good deal on it). The overall attitude on the forums is clear though.

In Defiance it's quite different. For example, they increased the two in game currencies necessary to buy lockboxes by 1000% (yes, 1000%) overnight. And they killed the drop rate on the currency needed to upgrade weapons alongside your level to the extent that you couldn't keep up with your level any more. In both cases you can buy stuff with real money to get around it.

With Rift, right now someone can give Trion £115 and have better gear than someone who's completed all of the end game content and upgraded everything as far as possible. The objection there isn't about patience.
Well theres nothing on the marketplace in Archeage which will give you better gear than anyone else can get. You could certainly say that they could get the better gear faster though, but as I say, that's patience and impatience. I am quite happy to get the top gear in slightly more time than others, its really not a problem for me at all.

Frankly, even if you couldn't spend a fortune to get the top gear slightly quicker, people would still get stuff faster than me because they are able to play 10 hours a day whereas I cant, so no difference to me.

I personally think the whole thing has been blown up into more than it is, by people who have their own agenda.
Ill probably play for my 3 months of patron then uninstall. Been playing for months on the alpha server and im not blowing any more cash on this.
I haven't played the beta yet. I tried yesterday and I was about 1000th in the queue on all servers as the Patron queue thing wasn't working. Later it just froze my computer when I tried to log in.

I played the alpha a little, but it felt way too much like Tera and the music drove me insane. I wouldn't have bought the founder's pack knowing this, but since I have I'm going to give it a try during head start. All the negative responses to the game, and the fact that it's already overrun with Chinese gold farmers doesn't give me a lot of hope.
To add some further clarification then Tombstone.

To own a small house and a small farm costs 30 tax certificates a week (I think but it may be 20). To craft those 30 tax Certificates each week it costs 1200 labour per week (5 certs per 200 labour)

Now imagine having a larger house or a larger farm, it starts to add up. You also have to use the labour to open chests, to open coin purses, to run any kind of trade route, to collect any resource or craft anything at all. It adds up and isn't just about patience.
To add some further clarification then Tombstone.

To own a small house and a small farm costs 30 tax certificates a week (I think but it may be 20). To craft those 30 tax Certificates each week it costs 1200 labour per week (5 certs per 200 labour)

Now imagine having a larger house or a larger farm, it starts to add up. You also have to use the labour to open chests, to open coin purses, to run any kind of trade route, to collect any resource or craft anything at all. It adds up and isn't just about patience.

Well in Alpha, and then again in Beta. I owned 1 thatched cottage with farm, 1 stone slate cottage, 1 large farm and 2 small farms, and I didn't have any problems with my labour. I ran out from time to time, but that was ok, I just logged back in the next day and had enough labour to my bits again and I never once had any problem paying my taxes. Why I am seemingly unique in that I don't know, maybe I am bugged or something :)

There were times that I wanted to do something but had run out of labour for the day, but that wasn't a problem, I just waited and did it the next day.
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Alpha had double the regeneration rate of the beta for labour than the Beta does. Did you do anything else with your labour points? It does not sound like you did tbh I also believe the 2 cottages are comparable with the small house in terms of taxes.

If you start adding medium houses or large houses into the equation, Tractors, Cars etc you will soon run out of labour.
Alpha had double the regeneration rate of the beta for labour than the Beta does. Did you do anything else with your labour points? It does not sound like you did tbh.

Yeah I built those same structures in beta too.

I crafted metalworking, but didn't do any other crafts aside from that, did the occasional traderun, other than that, a normal amount of gathering, farming and opening of coinpurses. Not too intensive a list admittedly, but I played for a good 5 or 6 hours a day and never ran out of things to do.

I didn't have a tractor or car, but then I don't need one, plenty of folks in the guild with one, so I'd just team up with them.

The thatched with farm that I had, counts as a medium house I believe. In live I would actually have fewer houses than the houses I had in beta, because there would be no need for me to have more than 1 point, so in Live, I will only be paying for 1 house and 2 farms. So actually will be less for me in terms of taxes in live.

Could be that the thatched farm is the same as the small on taxes, but again..I don't need a bigger house, got guild shared houses for that. So just a smallish personal house is all I need.
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OK then just going from my own point of view here, I wanted to build a house and a small farm. The house required 2 stone packs and 1 lumber pack, Each pack requires 100 stone bricks or 100 timber, each stone brick or lumber requires 3 of the base material to make.

I spent approximately 5000 or so labour just collecting the 600 stone that was required which when you consider going by beta stats you regenerate 1 labour every 30 seconds (given a lump as you know) while logged in and 1 per minute when not logged in it takes approximately 41 hours of being logged in to get your full 5000 back or 83 hours of being logged out to get it back where as in the alpha it was half of that.

Going by the 1200 labour figure I gave above for the weekly certificates which will take 10 hours of being logged in to regenerate it just gets a bit silly if you actually want to expand your empire past just getting by.
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I'm sure I heard that if your say just PvP focussed you can sell/trade your unwanted Labor points ? is that true and viable ?
Not Sure if you can trade them as such but you could certainly take cash from someone to craft something for them as long as they provided the materials. Although you do run the risk of being robbed blind.
OK then just going from my own point of view here, I wanted to build a house and a small farm. The house required 2 stone packs and 1 lumber pack, Each pack requires 100 stone bricks or 100 timber, each stone brick or lumber requires 3 of the base material to make.

I spent approximately 5000 or so labour just collecting the 600 stone that was required which when you consider going by beta stats you regenerate 1 labour every 30 seconds (given a lump as you know) while logged in and 1 per minute when not logged in it takes approximately 41 hours of being logged in to get your full 5000 back or 83 hours of being logged out to get it back where as in the alpha it was half of that.

Going by the 1200 labour figure I gave above for the weekly certificates which will take 10 hours of being logged in to regenerate it just gets a bit silly if you actually want to expand your empire past just getting by.

Thats where being in a decent guild helps, there have been times in our guild where someone didnt have any labour points to do something, so someone else in the guild who had labour points did it for them. Case in point, each time someone in the guild builds a house, everyone in the guild helps out with the gathering of the materials. Takes more than 1 person to have an empire after all :)
That doesn't really solve the problem though does it. That just says, work as a larger group to achieve a relatively small task easily as opposed to being able to adequately achieve the small task on your own or in a small group.
That doesn't really solve the problem though does it. That just says, work as a larger group to achieve a relatively small task easily as opposed to being able to adequately achieve the small task on your own or in a small group.

Depends really on whether you see it as a problem. I dont see a problem, the guild I am in isnt exactly the largest guild in the world, numbers about 30 people.

If Archeage isnt for particular people, then thats fair enough, cant make every MMO be right for every player after all. But for me personally, Im loving it and dont have any issues with the labour. Over the years I have become sick to the teeth with MMOs where you can do everything solo, I always loved the very early MMOs where you were forced not to just play alongside people, but to play WITH people. To cooperate fully. In Archeage , to be quite honest, thats what you need to do. I would never in a million years recommend Archeage to a solo player (or a player playing with a couple of friends), it just wouldnt be the right fit for them.

But for anyone involved with a good, decent, cooperative mindset guild (and frankly, thats what all guilds in every game should be about surely, otherwise whats the point..grown tired over the years of guilds which are nothing more than a glorified additional chat channel, ones where you are in a guild, but not PART of a guild), for anyone in that guild, its great. At least in my opinion :)
I understand an MMO isnt for everyone but If they are saying to adequately own land you need to be a patron and have subscription then I should be able to adequately be able to do this on my own without the need for assistance from others while still being able to experience the rest of the game without being hampered.

I understand to excel and thrive ill need assistance but the basics without sacrificing should be achievable by a subscription alone.
Depends how you read it really. To own land you do need to be a patron and have a subscription yes. Nobody said anything though about being able to do that solo..just that you need to be a patron. Although having said that of course, you can build the house solo, just might take a bit longer to gather all the resources. Which I can understand, after all, alone I could enter a tug of war contest, doesnt mean that I am going to fair well against the group on the other end of the rope working as a team :)

There are many MMOs out there with a subscription, doesnt mean though that because the player has a subscription that they can do everything in the MMO without needing assistance from others. I needed a subscription for Daoc, doesnt mean that I could get end game gear or capture a castle without needing the assistance of others and the less said about trying to level solo in Daoc compared to leveling en masse the better :D
I think the objection is more that you need to have a subscription AND buy from the store to get the most from the game or be on an even footing with other players. People generally only accepted in game stores for non-cosmetic stuff because the subscription was entirely optional. It's always been either, not both.
See now you are misquoting what I have said, Owning a house and building it is the basics of having a subscription you are now saying having a subscription does not entitle me to be able to do these things.... so what is the point of the subscription?

I am not saying that simply by paying for the game I should be adequately able to build my own castle but I also do not think it should take me 3-4 days of WAITING to be able to build the very basics of a house + farm on my own which is the very basics of land owning and one of the main things the game raves about and advertises its subscription players can have.

For instance in wow, I either have a subscription or I don't, Having one entitles me to all the content I can adequately do without waiting 3 or 4 days to be able to do it (assuming I am at the relevant level to do the content). Archeage is making me wait 3-4 days to to finish and then 24 hours to maintain as well as making me pay to even get to this level. Without a subscription you can maintain land and a house yes, but with a cap of 2000 labour and only 5 labour every 5 minutes while logged in it is next to impossible to maintain this therefore I am being forced to get a subscription to do this and then forced to spend more money simply to maintain it adequately, That is the objection here.

Edit: Yeah basically what teppic has said. It should not be sub and then shop to maintain, it should be sub + shop for extras or shop for everything and no sub.
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