Are all phones network locked?

18 Oct 2002
My phone got broken at the zoo the other day!

I'm looking for a cheap replacement as im in the middle of a contract and the orange replacement offered "might not be new" - so im off to tesco to buy a phone, but are they all network locked or can i put my orange sim in any??
Three were selling a few upgrade Desires that were unlocked. But that was purely because they sourced some sim-free phones so they could get some sales before their branded phones come in from HTC. They have sold all their currently allocated stock.
Vodafone and O2 as far as im aware...tmobile phones are locked and same with Orange i think as well.

Without checking my facts, I doubt any network sells unlocked phones as standard. It is a simple, legal, way of protecting your investment with 90% of consumers.

Some resellers like cpw, mobilesdirect, etc. sell unlocked phones because they are buying sim-free phones wholesale, then resell them with a mobile phone contract attached.
Without checking my facts, I doubt any network sells unlocked phones as standard. It is a simple, legal, way of protecting your investment with 90% of consumers.

Some resellers like cpw, mobilesdirect, etc. sell unlocked phones because they are buying sim-free phones wholesale, then resell them with a mobile phone contract attached.

Well unless O2 and Voda have started locking their handsets then i dont know either but as far as im aware only those 2 sell unlocked but branded handsets.
Well unless O2 and Voda have started locking their handsets then i dont know either but as far as im aware only those 2 sell unlocked but branded handsets.

A cursory look online suggests that you are right. They don't lock contract handsets because the contract protects their commercial interest - you can do what you like with the handset as long as you pay your line rental which is a fair way of looking at it.
My o2 phones have been unlocked, the last being my c902 which I upgraded from about 2 months ago. Someone else is now using it with a virgin SIM. Also tested it with Orange and it was fine.
Ask and you shall receive!

I wanted to get my T-Mobile phone unlocked and was looking online see if I could do it myself. I found a post from a guy who served in the Army, he simply told T-Mobile that he needed his phone 'unlock code' because he goes to countries that don't provide T-Mobile service or a handshake network provider. They gave him the unlock code over the phone there and then.

So I called T-Mobile and told them I travel a lot (because I actually do) and gave the same explanation. They also gave me the unlock code over the phone,. You simply key in a series of numbers that are specific to your IMEI number and hit the call button, then after restarting your phone it will accept all SIM cards.
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