are people happy with their wii?

19 Oct 2002

i bought mine on the day of release, and along with zelda have had a few great months of gameplay (i take my time i know but damn i enjoy it - use it more for a break from work than for indepth 10 hour gaming sessions...)

anyway, i wouldn't change the purchase for anything as i feel zelda was one hell of an awesome game and one of the best i've played for a long time, if fact, the best since metal gear solid 3 :)

but now its done and dusted (zelda that is) i find myself scrounging for a decent game to play... i bought monkey ball for the multiplayer side but thats not as good as it used to be, the next really decent game i fear will be way in the future in the form of metroid 3...

i always said i would get the 360 when halo 3 appears, and the ps3 once MGS4 is out (oh my GOD that looks good)... but right now, i'm wanting for some good gaming, especially adventure games and i'm at a loss...

anyone else feel the same?
I find the Wii 'naff'. Not my kind of games machine. Tried one and didn't like it. I like my good old trusty PS2!
I'm lucky enough to have a 360, PS3 and a Wii. I'm still really happy with mine. I've had relatives staying for a long weekend and the Wii got an absolute hammering. I was quite surprised when I asked my 9 year old cousin which system he liked best, he replied:

"I like the games on the 360, I like the graphics on the PS3, but I think the Wii is the most fun". he basically spent 10 minutes on the 360 and PS3 then just wanted to play on the Wii the rest of the weekend. I must admit to having just as much fun as him with it. I know what you mean about the games though, it really needs a few more really good titles to get released. I also don't think I would have a Wii as a single console by itself. I think it does complement a 360 or PS3 nicely though :)
i love mine, i felt all consoles were getting the same and the wii brought summit new to the table
Happy with the Wii, not so happy with the games that have been released so far, which have largely been crappy ports from other consoles. Disappointing that the games I was looking forward to the most, MP3, SMGalaxy keep getting their release dates pushed back. However there are some promising games on the horizon imo. I console myself that I play WiiSports more than I'd play any game thats out for the 360 or PS3.
I wish they had a 720p mode implemented even for the dashboard and retro games, the wii just looks horrible on any HDTV ive tried it on, 480p just dosent cut the mustard in 2007.
i've ordered the new prince of persia game to keep me going for a while, i loved the first in the sands of time series so lets see how they've done on the wii version...
Mines gatering dust, but then so is my 360 and I don't have a PS3.

I'm not getting rid of my Wii anytime soon, but I am getting tired of waiting for some decent games, Excite Truck and Sonic are keeping me busy though, when I get the chance.
None of the games released have held my interest at all, I always end up going back to the 360.

If my GF didn't play on it I think it would definitely have gone by now.
Personally I think it's crap. I've been over why several times on these boards so I won't repeat myself, I know others think differently.

Some say that they are happy with the Wii but not the games, to these people I ask, what else do you judge a games console by? I think Nintendo are on the verge of ruining their best loved franchises with that wavey stick.
I had an idea the novelty on the Wii would soon wear off, the Wii is more of a party console for a bit of fun late at night with your mates. What prices are you guys getting for your Wii's?
Mine hadn't seen much use over the last month, partly due to a lack of leisure time.

Picked up Godfather last week on a whim and it has really sparked my interest in the Wii again. Anyone who puts the Wiimote down as a gimmick should give it a go - it is a great example of how motion sensitive controls can really make a game.
Sweetloaf said:
Personally I think it's crap. I've been over why several times on these boards so I won't repeat myself, I know others think differently.

Some say that they are happy with the Wii but not the games, to these people I ask, what else do you judge a games console by? I think Nintendo are on the verge of ruining their best loved franchises with that wavey stick.

You're right, ultimately a console can only be judged by its games, and right now the Wii's games just aren't there. However I would argue that its still very early in the Wii's lifespan. How long was it before the 360 got its first decent game? (even though I would argue it still doesn't have one, and yes I've played GoW).

I say that the problem with the Wii's current portfolio of games isn't the Wii, its the rushed jobs the publishers have done. Example, Tiger Woods golf is basically just a port from the Xbox version - they could have made it like WiiGolf but didn't. Nintendo must release a full game of WiiGolf with more than 9 holes.
We currently have a 360, a PS2 and a Wii set up, along with a pc each. They all get used for different types of gaming, and I wouldn't get rid of any of them. I really don't get all the Nintendo bashing on this forum - it was made clear right from the start that the Wii wasn't trying to appeal to "hardcore" 360/PS3 gamers. It's a family console, and it is doing exceedingly well in homes who just want to have fun.

I've not played any of the consoles for a while, because I've been gaming on my pc instead. The first console I go to though, is the Wii. Then it's the PS2 for Guitar Hero or Singstar. It's people who want a similar gaming experience to me who Nintendo are aiming for, and to say they are ruining their brand is just ignorance.
I initially thought the Wii was nothing more than gimmicky but then I got drawn into it and actually bought one and I liked it for a while. But now, after selling it, I think my initial impression was right all along. In fact the more I think about it the more I think that it's a bit of a rip-off as any third party hardware developer could have bought out a wiimote style pointing device for either the PS2 or GC and you essentially have more than the Wii offers, or even better bring one out for the PS3 or 360 so that you can have your cake and eat it too with next gen graphics and a fun but limited control system :(
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