Are the schools on holiday already? Spam reaches astronomical levels so they must be.

ElRazur said:
Something about Obi wankanube(sp?)

Genius. :D

Can't say i've noticed an increase. Pointless post imo.

General discussion will always have rubbish, that's its point. Any specific posts will have a place elsewhere.
I must admit I often look through GD and think what a load of rubbish (and feel like screaming at the 5th thread of the day asking "is this email refering to me as 'Dear Customer' of an online service fake or not", or "how do I boil water" (slight exageration there, but not by much).

I think GD does have cycles, but this one seems to be dipping a bit lower than usual.

Yemen said:
On a side note, any idea what Salta means?

I don't know, and just about my whole MSN list has asked me why I changed my name to that. :(

National dish of somewhere I beleive.

Now, did that make him look at his name or not?
Fusion, you're a star. You dug up all the utter rubbish that I couldn't be bothered to find.

Threads of mine which have been mentioned. The spider thing I thought amusing because of the things kids say, 'pop' because it's an old internet thing that was done on here before and I was trying to see if anyone remembered. My shiny gun in the dishwasher - Well, I actually don't see how that or anything I've posted relates to or can be compared to the [for example] many many threads about fake emails.

I agree GD runs in a cycle, it always has and it always will. But I don't think it's ever been this low before, not in my memory.


/goes to pour another beer

You don't really compare them exactly, because I'm quite sure you're the only person who starts the gun related threads :p

Not having a go but it's all down to personal tastes and interests, some people like reading threads about what tie someone should wear - they find it light hearted and a bit of fun.

The same can be said about your threads, some people enjoyed reading that dishwasher thread - because they found it light hearted and a bit of fun.

GD will always have a mix of topics, being so general. But don't forget that's one of the main reasons we have sub-forums. If you fancy having a more in depth discussion Speakers Corner is only a click away. :)
NathanE said:
Here here. I've barely posted at all the past month.

It's not just the spam either. It's the pointless little trolly comments. In the end you think "Do I really want to post this only for some kid to upend it?"
I wondered if you were still a member NathenE hadn't seen you post for ages. The windows forum is really missing some of the only pro-windows points of view
JohnnyG said:
Edit: Have I got enough posts to get in to the MM yet?

No, you havent been registered long enough either :p

Note: This wasnt a sarcastic spammish reponse within an anti-spam thread
I think everyone here has posted crap at some point, i dont really care for the most part.

I find it funny how the same threads revive themselves - how many times have we had this thread now?



Although i do find myself living in Console's section now.
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