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Ashes of the Singularity Bench

But surely you can see that something is up with this bench? I don't think anyone is really seeing this as a "be all and end all" scenario and as for the one-upmanship, it is harmless banter as I see it. A few more games and devs more experienced in DX12 will give good boosts to both AMD and Nvidia and we can all get along and solve world peace :p

World peace is dead easy, keeping NVidia happy may be difficult.:D
I would take all these bench results with a pinch of salt at least until the game enters a BETA stage.

One area I expect to improve a lot is DX11 performance on the AMD cards. At the moment it is way too low and I think the blame needs to go to the game devs rather than anything at AMDs end. 9 billion transistors on a Fury X are capable of a lot more than this bench allows at the moment.
on dx11 level AMD needs to work on drivers, not dev ;) But since game is available on dx12, and driver optimisation for pre-beta benchmark takes time and money, why bother for now? I bet there is a single guy working slowly on dx11 optimisations with no rush, since they know that dx12 is giving them good performance as it is, and game is far from release date. It is all about prioritizing and saving money down at AMD.
As Oxide dev said, they themselves are learning about dx12 as they go, and CPU utilization is improving, even though as it is right now, CPU multithread usage is awesome in this game.

I'll do a run with HT disabled in a minute to see if that helps any ;)

A lot of people point to the drivers for this but I can not believe the drivers would be this bad for any game using DX11, I give AMD more credit than that.

I think it is the game devs who have ignored DX11 performance on the AMD cards.:)
According to AMDMatt, VSR gives slightly more fps over native resolution. I don't think it is right to have VSR scores but that's not up to me and down to the thread starter/updater.

No VSR or DSR scores for the scoreboard please.

Using VSR or DSR does not give the same performance as the native resolution so can not be used sorry.
If it is indeed VSR, Musiqaz's 4K result is only 0.6 fps faster so until we have more results it's difficult to determine if VSR is much faster or not. I was under the impression that VSR would take more processing power since the GPU would have to render at 4K then perform scaling to a lower resolution and add whatever postprocessing is needed to make it look good. On true 4K screens the 4K frame buffer is output straight the display.

Most of the VSR and DSR results I have seen in various benches return slightly higher scores than using the native resolution.

More importantly than that we are comparing DX12 on various cards and allowing VSR and DSR would add another variable that would only serve to confuse the results making the thread pointless.
I know that DSR gives me slightly more frames than native for some reason but no idea why. I would trust AMDMatt on this as well, as he has done both.

I think it would be nice if someone started a DSR/VSR bench thread (not me) to compare various games where people use both the native resolution and DSR/VSR to compare.:)
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