Assigning a percentage value to a yes/no field in excel

30 Nov 2006
I've been working on a spreadsheet for my work which is for monitoring staff performance. At the moment they monitor 3 phone calls and give it a mark out of a hundred. This is simple enough to do but they're looking at changing the system slightly.

What they want to do is give each person a pass/fail for each call and then assign a total percentage based on this i.e. 1 pass = 33% so 3 passes = 100%.

I'm sure I could do a simple enough calculation on the basis of if 1 pass then total = 33% blah blah blah, but I was wondering if it was possible to assign a percentage value to each Yes or No (still showing yes/no in the column) and then have the total column show as a percentage i.e. 33, 66 or 100%.

I'm not sure if I've clearly explained that enough so please ask questions. I'm a bit rusty when it comes to excel :)
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