Astraweb problems?

13 Jun 2009
I qued up about 15 large downlaods all within 500 day age, only 7 downloaded and the others have most of the blocks missing . Too many missing to repair anyway

has anyone else had any issues with astraweb this week?

NZB's are from NZBmatrix/NZBSrus and im using sabnzb
No problems what so ever. Download 50+ Gb today alone.

To be fair any >300 day old NZB will have some errors.
I wouldnt really think anything about it if it was just 1 file but thats a fair few that havent had enough blocks to repair now
yeah, downloaded quite a lot recently with missing blocks. Some, I've been able to rescue by getting the replacements for the damaged files from another group.
Well it seems there's problems again with astraweb like there was back in June. I'm using newsbin but have been for years no problems. Use 20 connections.

Just wasted 12gb again on a 10 day old nzb
Yes, I am with everyone who is experiencing missing blocks with Astraweb. Only recently moved over to them from Giganews and suddenly getting all these missing parts. Considering moving back to GN now, never had issues with them guys...
Where are people seeing these missing blocks? As I have had 2 fails in like 95 downloads :/

What client are you using ? What server? How many connections ?
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all Astraweb servers... SSL EU, SSL US, normal servers... old posts, new posts, all kinds of things. I can't find a pattern to what these missing blocks take.
Well it seems there's problems again with astraweb like there was back in June. I'm using newsbin but have been for years no problems. Use 20 connections.

Just wasted 12gb again on a 10 day old nzb

Missing blocks or invalid par files?

I've noticed a mix of both of late :/
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