Asus A8N32-SLi Deluxe nForce4 SLi

14 Nov 2005
Hi Guys
Need a little advice, can any one tell me if this mobo is any good
Asus A8N32-SLi Deluxe nForce4 SLi
Also any one know of any problems using this with a MACH II unit, the heat pipe looks like it might get in the way of the cooling head
Its a good board but i find that without airflow the chipset/vrm heatsinks will need some extra cooling. A fan is supplied for this but its noisy. I don't know about mach 2 compatability, but it fits big heatsinks like the ninja ok.

Also, be sure to update the bios because they may still be shipping with early dodgy ones.

Overclockers tend to prefer the dfi boards
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For overclocking I wouldn't buy it, the Vcore possibilities aren't any good. Go for a DFI, I have the sli-dr expert. Propably the best mobo there is :D
I have just got this board there seems to clock my opty ok. I have just gone through 3 DFi mobo's all with ram slot faults i had the sli expert thought it was going to be a nice board till all my problems......
BIGGUN just curious and forigive the slight thread hijack but what ram slot faults did u have with your DFI boards? as i have had a problem with mine where as it now won't power up in dual channel mode :confused: is this a similar problem to you?
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