ASUS EE PC - Just cant get a Linux onto it?

18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
I have been given this ee PC

Its only got 512MB RAM and a 4GB HD

Its got a fairly useless Windows XP install on it thats somehow shafted and really need to be wiped and so, I am wanting to slap some linux on it.

Its only got a 4GB HD so its fairly limited, but I thought of throwing on a basic MiNT setup

I put mint onto my usual USB Booting stick and went for it, but it was unable to mount the boot media ( Even though it was half way into booting it )

It did the same with a couple of other MiNT flavours and also the Ubuntu distros too!

I then tried the Browserlinux and I have downloaded the unetbootin program, and I have done everythign I need to, but nothing I do will actually let me make a bootable USB drive thats compatible with the eePC

Irritatingly, I have the Acer Aspire one setup al ready on anoither flash disk but thats also failing to install too!

So, it got the better of me, and I threw XP onto a flash drive and thats gone in and installed.

So, why can I not do any Linux distro?

Please help me here cos I is fik

I've got a copy of the original Linux that came with it. If installed, I would have thought it would prep the drive ready for linuxLinux which might help you install what you want.

PM me if you want a copy
I've had this strange behaviour too and it came down to the BIOS device ids confusing linux

Plugging in the usb stick and booting off it would boot the kernel but would be left hanging with messages like no cdrom media or can't mount /dev/sdb

What worked for me is to select the boot media as you power up your machine .... f8 or equivalent and THEN select the usb drive.

In my case the BIOS identified my usb stick as 2 separate bootable disks which is what leads to the confusion
I have now found a great program called Universal USB Installer.

It wrote the USB Stick just fine, so it was clearly the Ubuntu one that I was using and not the flash disk itself.

A very similar issue I have had with my Laptop... I was completely unable to install any variant of MiNT but I was ok with the Debian Versions... Funnily enough all of the Debian versions were fine, but only 11.0 64Bit normal would work, every single one of the others failed... Same with Ubuntu itself.

Yet all my SuSE and Mandriva ones went on fine and its been running SuSe since.

Im going to give it another shot now with MiNT 11 again .. See what happens?
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