Asus Maximus Hero VIII and Windows 11 ...where is this TBM / PTT

16 Apr 2010
Hi All,

I'm trying to enable TPM/PTT in the BIOS but cannot find it. A search throws up that my mobo is compatible with W11. Can someone tell me what I need to do to enable TBM/PTT?

you may not have tpm on your mobo. i have looked around and cant find any definite answers to confirm tpm. try opening start menu and typing tpm.msc. that will open the tpm window and you should be able to see (bottom right) specification version 1.2 or 2.0 :)
it will be listed as you have a tpm socket. you need to purchase a tpm 2.0 14 pin module to be able to install windows 11
Hi All,

I'm trying to enable TPM/PTT in the BIOS but cannot find it. A search throws up that my mobo is compatible with W11. Can someone tell me what I need to do to enable TBM/PTT?

Have a read of this.. it also states Intel 6th Gen / 7th Gen Core processors are not on the official list of compatible processors.

But that doesn't mean it will not work if you have the tmp module below.. Windows 10 says same thing about not official list hardware and works too. Just Microsoft is covering their rear. So with the tpm module below it should work fine. Worth checking unless you upgrade your motherboard and cpu, but that's more expensive than a £20 module.

Your board supports this tpm module..
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I got it working without the module by modifying the BIOS as per the win-raid forum (very simple to do) but still have problems installing W11. I'll leave it for now and wait a couple of weeks!
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