Asus P5Q Deluxe

24 Mar 2006
Hey all, hope you can help clarify this issue,

board specs suggest 3 x 16 pci lanes - the 3rd running at 4 x. My query however is if I look to crossfire a pair of 5850's, do the first 2 lanes run at x16 speed or would they run at x8?

X48 chipset is what you want mate.
something like ASUS P5E Deluxe x48 or (if you can find one) a foxconn blackops I also hear the Gigabyte GA-X48-DS5 is good, I know the blackops is DDR3 but the other 2 board mentioned are DDR2
I seriously doubt that you will max out the x8 PCi-e lanes with those cards. Seriously that is a lot of data to max out.
Also, depending on what cpu your using, the p5q deluxe will be a better overclocking board, particularly with 45nm quads.
The CPU is the old trusty Q6600 GO Stepping. One of the main reasons for buying this board was to improve the overclock on the cpu which we now have at a comfortable 3.4ghz with only a minor bump in voltage.

Given previous comments then, would crossfired 5850's give a significant benefit over a single 5850 card @ 8 x speed?
With two slots running at 8x (pci-e 2.0 remember so it's twice the bandwidth of the original slots) you will only be looking at a performance loss of 2-4% which is not worth worrying about.
Thanks for the responses all, feel more comfortable with this upgrade path now. Should be a decent performance hike when the second card is eventually added ;)

cheers all :D
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