Asus P5W DH VCORE help

6 Sep 2010
Just getting back into overclocking after a relatively long break and I have a problem with my Asus P5W-DH and adjusting the CPU Vcore voltage: :(

My setup is:

  • Asus P5W-DH Deluxe
  • Intel Quad Core Q6600 CPU
  • GeForce GTX 460 (768mb)
  • 4GB DDR2 RAM
  • Windows XP 32 bit
  • BIOS Version 3001

I have managed (after a good lapping session) :eek: to get the CPU running happily along at 3.114Ghz (346x9) and my temperatures even under full load are pretty good 55c at the stock volts ;) (and that’s with Core Temp, which tends show temperatures about 10c higher than the monitor in the BIOS).

Now I have tried to tweak the voltage up a bit from the 1.28v but when I am in the BIOS the only setting it gives me is AUTO.:confused::confused:

Now I have read that disabling C1E and EIST will allow me to make these tweaks to the VCORE voltage, I have managed to disable C1E, but cannot find the EIST one.:(

I’m sure with such a common motherboard as this someone else must have asked this question. :confused:

Please help

Matt :):)
Hi str,

I would if only I could find them but spent two frustrated evening trying to get it sorted and cant, I may try AI Boost, its got to be better than this??

But many thanks for your help!!

It should be in Advanced CPU settings like this picture I found:


Firstly many thanks for taking the trouble to take/dig out this picture:):):)

I will have another look when I get home and upload a screen grab of what I have, I', pretty sure that I have something about "virtualization settings" but then get something telling me that VCORE is locked:confused::confused:

I really want to try and do all this is in BIOS rather than us the AI Boost thing I mentioned, and hopefully with your help I can get it cracked, as it frustrating the hell out of me:eek::eek:


Str, (or anyone else that could help),:D

Please find attached the screen grabs from my system on start up.

Hopefully this will give you a clue as to why I cant adjust the VCORE on the CPU.:confused:

Many thanks

Matt (hope these image links work:):)

In the JumperFree Configuration page you have Digital Home Mode enabled. Try disabling that and check if the EIST/SpeedStep option appears in the CPU Configuration page.
Yes sadly for me I did and it made no difference to the options available, think as much as I dont want to I may have to try AI Booster???

Please save me from it, if you think it is no good???????

Have you tried clearing the CMOS using the jumper on the motherboard to see if that makes it allow you to change vcore?
No idea. It's been a few years since I had the P5W DH board.

If you haven't got the manual you'll be able to download a PDF of it on the Asus website.

Also make sure there is no power to the board when you clear the CMOS.

I also read you might need to flash the bios with the dos based afudos bios flashing utility then clear the CMOS so you might have to do that to get access to vcore adjustments.

1. flash bios with afudos: afudos /i******.rom /pbnc /n
2. restart pc
3. shutdown pc
5. have fun with vcore

Replace the ******.rom with the name of the rom you will be flashing.
I dunno why the restart pc part but it says flash bios, restart pc, shutdown pc, clear cmos, boom vcore should work.

Also the flash command looks specific so make sure to do it exactly as it states with the "/pbnc /n" part.
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